Local web and graphhopper.com direction differences

I am curious about the difference in routing directions obtained from GraphHopper and those obtained from running the GraphHopper Web JAR on my local computer. When I retrieve directions from GraphHopper site, it accurately guides me close to the destination, even on private access roads. However, when I run the Web JAR, it seems that it does not enter private access roads.

For your reference, I am testing in the Singapore region, with the coordinates: start point: 1.359833, 103.83102, and end point: 1.338483, 103.935253. I think the difference in the results might be due to differences in the car profile or map.

For further reference, I used the following config file when running the Web JAR: graphhopper/config-example.yml at master · graphhopper/graphhopper · GitHub, and the PBF file was extracted from the Asia section of ‘osmtoday’ using Osmium.

If there is a setting in the config file that prevents entering private access roads, could you please let me know how to adjust it so that private access roads can be included in routing? If there are no such constraints, it might be an issue with the map data, in which case, could you let me know which map file GraphHopper website is using?

Additionally, I am using GraphHopper version 7.0.

Thank you.

If I use graphhopper 9.1 with configuration provided in github (car.json), it can direct to the destination using private road IF I remove the part that set priority to 0 if “car_access” is false.

I think this custom models overrides everything already defined so it removes the private road block condition.

There should be the similar configuration in the previous version who can result to this I think…

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