[Android v 0.13] Cannot find EncodedValue roundabout in collection: null

Hi, I use GrapHopper android demo v0.12 without any problems with Berlin map. In v0.13 I get this message when try load graph “Cannot find EncodedValue roundabout in collection: null”
Data for graph was generate with v0.13 and I also tried the data from version v0.12, this ended with same result as v0.13.
I also tried the app v0.12 with data from version v0.13 this ended with result “incorrect location index version, expected:96230”
In all cases was used Berlin map from (http://download.geofabrik.de/europe/germany/berlin-latest.osm.pbf)
I use Android 9 (LinageOS 16.0)

I hope this knowledge will help to solve the problem in v0.13.


Branch master (0.13) - Berlin

MacBook-Pro-uzivatela-kamil:graphhopper kamil$ ./graphhopper.sh -a import -i berlin.pbf 
## using java 10.0.1 (64bit) from 
## using existing osm file berlin.pbf
## existing jar found web/target/graphhopper-web-0.13-SNAPSHOT.jar
## now import. JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx1000m -Xms1000m
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by com.fasterxml.jackson.module.afterburner.util.MyClassLoader (file:/Users/kamil/Documents/Work/Android/Tutorials/graphhopper/web/target/graphhopper-web-0.13-SNAPSHOT.jar) to method java.lang.ClassLoader.findLoadedClass(java.lang.String)
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of com.fasterxml.jackson.module.afterburner.util.MyClassLoader
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
2019-06-19 12:34:11.122 [main] INFO  c.g.reader.osm.GraphHopperOSM - version 0.13|2019-06-03T11:26:26Z (5,14,4,3,3,2)
2019-06-19 12:34:11.127 [main] INFO  c.g.reader.osm.GraphHopperOSM - graph CH|car|RAM_STORE|2D|NoExt|,,,,, details:edges:0(0MB), nodes:0(0MB), name:(0MB), geo:0(0MB), bounds:1.7976931348623157E308,-1.7976931348623157E308,1.7976931348623157E308,-1.7976931348623157E308, CHGraph|fastest|car, shortcuts:0, nodesCH:(0MB)
2019-06-19 12:34:11.150 [main] INFO  c.g.reader.osm.GraphHopperOSM - start creating graph from berlin.pbf
2019-06-19 12:34:11.151 [main] INFO  c.g.reader.osm.GraphHopperOSM - using CH|car|RAM_STORE|2D|NoExt|,,,,, memory:totalMB:1000, usedMB:47
2019-06-19 12:34:13.976 [main] INFO  com.graphhopper.reader.osm.OSMReader - creating graph. Found nodes (pillar+tower):247 278, totalMB:1000, usedMB:592
2019-06-19 12:34:15.481 [main] INFO  com.graphhopper.reader.osm.OSMReader - 5 312 176, now parsing ways
2019-06-19 12:34:16.989 [main] INFO  com.graphhopper.reader.osm.OSMReader - 6 093 607, now parsing relations
2019-06-19 12:34:16.995 [main] INFO  com.graphhopper.reader.osm.OSMReader - finished way processing. nodes: 98457, osmIdMap.size:251523, osmIdMap:3MB, nodeFlagsMap.size:4245, relFlagsMap.size:0, zeroCounter:4245 totalMB:1000, usedMB:443
2019-06-19 12:34:16.998 [main] INFO  com.graphhopper.reader.osm.OSMReader - time pass1:2s, pass2:3s, total:5s
2019-06-19 12:34:16.999 [main] INFO  c.g.r.s.PrepareRoutingSubnetworks - start finding subnetworks (min:200, min one way:200) totalMB:1000, usedMB:443
2019-06-19 12:34:17.126 [main] INFO  c.g.r.s.PrepareRoutingSubnetworks - car.access|bits=1|fwd_shift=1|store_both_directions=true findComponents time:0.12661539, size:3480
2019-06-19 12:34:17.201 [main] INFO  c.g.r.s.PrepareRoutingSubnetworks - 11927 subnetworks found for car, totalMB:1000, usedMB:473
2019-06-19 12:34:17.220 [main] INFO  c.g.r.s.PrepareRoutingSubnetworks - optimize to remove subnetworks (11927), unvisited-dead-end-nodes (8811), maxEdges/node (6)
2019-06-19 12:34:17.276 [main] INFO  c.g.reader.osm.GraphHopperOSM - edges: 122 846, nodes 86 532, there were 11 927 subnetworks. removed them => 11 925 less nodes
2019-06-19 12:34:17.424 [main] INFO  c.g.storage.index.LocationIndexTree - location index created in 0.14496163s, size:104 357, leafs:7 810, precision:300, depth:4, checksum:86532, entries:[16, 16, 16, 4], entriesPerLeaf:13.361972
2019-06-19 12:34:17.441 [main] INFO  c.g.r.ch.CHAlgoFactoryDecorator - 1/1 calling node-based CH prepare.doWork for fastest|car ... (totalMB:1000, usedMB:503)
2019-06-19 12:34:17.774 [fastest_car_node] INFO  c.g.r.c.PrepareContractionHierarchies - nodes:     86 532, shortcuts:          0, updates:  0, checked-nodes:          0, t(total):   0.33,  t(period):   0.31, t(lazy):   0.00, t(neighbor):   0.00, t(contr):   0.00, t(other) :   0.01, dijkstra-ratio:  34.51%, meanDegree: 1.00, dijkstras:    345 565, mem:        1MB, totalMB:1000, usedMB:513
2019-06-19 12:34:18.573 [fastest_car_node] INFO  c.g.r.c.PrepareContractionHierarchies - nodes:     69 226, shortcuts:         16, updates:  1, checked-nodes:     17 306, t(total):   1.13,  t(period):   0.98, t(lazy):   0.00, t(neighbor):   0.06, t(contr):   0.03, t(other) :   0.07, dijkstra-ratio:  63.04%, meanDegree: 1.00, dijkstras:    633 289, mem:        1MB, totalMB:1000, usedMB:521
2019-06-19 12:34:19.255 [fastest_car_node] INFO  c.g.r.c.PrepareContractionHierarchies - nodes:     51 920, shortcuts:     10 612, updates:  2, checked-nodes:     34 612, t(total):   1.81,  t(period):   1.47, t(lazy):   0.00, t(neighbor):   0.13, t(contr):   0.11, t(other) :   0.10, dijkstra-ratio:  68.38%, meanDegree: 1.98, dijkstras:    891 164, mem:        1MB, totalMB:1000, usedMB:529
2019-06-19 12:34:20.007 [fastest_car_node] INFO  c.g.r.c.PrepareContractionHierarchies - nodes:     34 614, shortcuts:     25 054, updates:  3, checked-nodes:     51 918, t(total):   2.56,  t(period):   1.96, t(lazy):   0.00, t(neighbor):   0.24, t(contr):   0.24, t(other) :   0.12, dijkstra-ratio:  72.17%, meanDegree: 1.99, dijkstras:  1 116 598, mem:        1MB, totalMB:1000, usedMB:538
2019-06-19 12:34:20.939 [fastest_car_node] INFO  c.g.r.c.PrepareContractionHierarchies - nodes:     17 308, shortcuts:     49 920, updates:  4, checked-nodes:     69 224, t(total):   3.50,  t(period):   2.42, t(lazy):   0.00, t(neighbor):   0.48, t(contr):   0.45, t(other) :   0.15, dijkstra-ratio:  75.34%, meanDegree: 3.13, dijkstras:  1 346 958, mem:        1MB, totalMB:1000, usedMB:549
2019-06-19 12:34:22.454 [fastest_car_node] INFO  c.g.r.c.PrepareContractionHierarchies - nodes:      2 422, shortcuts:     76 647, updates:  5, checked-nodes:     86 530, t(total):   5.01,  t(period):   2.57, t(lazy):   0.34, t(neighbor):   1.03, t(contr):   0.87, t(other) :   0.19, dijkstra-ratio:  78.86%, meanDegree: 2.92, dijkstras:  1 666 410, mem:        1MB, totalMB:1000, usedMB:560
2019-06-19 12:34:23.873 [fastest_car_node] INFO  c.g.r.c.PrepareContractionHierarchies - nodes:          0, shortcuts:     86 565, updates:  5, checked-nodes:     90 021, t(total):   6.43,  t(period):   2.57, t(lazy):   0.79, t(neighbor):   1.72, t(contr):   1.14, t(other) :   0.21, dijkstra-ratio:  81.87%, meanDegree: 1.37, dijkstras:  1 875 523, mem:        1MB, totalMB:1000, usedMB:562
2019-06-19 12:34:23.873 [fastest_car_node] INFO  c.g.r.c.PrepareContractionHierarchies - new shortcuts: 86 565, initSize:86 532, prepare|fastest, periodic:20, lazy:10, neighbor:20, t(total):   6.43,  t(period):   2.57, t(lazy):   0.79, t(neighbor):   1.72, t(contr):   1.14, t(other) :   0.21, dijkstra-ratio:  81.86%, lazy-overhead: 4%, totalMB:1000, usedMB:562
2019-06-19 12:34:23.874 [fastest_car_node] INFO  c.g.r.c.PrepareContractionHierarchies - took: 6s, graph now - num edges: 122 846, num nodes: 86 532, num shortcuts: 86 565
2019-06-19 12:34:23.875 [main] INFO  c.g.reader.osm.GraphHopperOSM - flushing graph CH|car|RAM_STORE|2D|NoExt|5,14,4,3,3, details:edges:122 846(4MB), nodes:86 532(1MB), name:(1MB), geo:299 981(2MB), bounds:13.06978847242419,13.764083879383293,52.333058655255854,52.67961645900346, CHGraph|fastest|car, shortcuts:86 565, nodesCH:(1MB), totalMB:1000, usedMB:562)
2019-06-19 12:34:23.904 [main] INFO  c.g.reader.osm.GraphHopperOSM - flushed graph totalMB:1000, usedMB:581)
2019-06-19 12:34:23.905 [main] INFO  c.g.http.GraphHopperManaged - loaded graph at:./berlin-gh, data_reader_file:berlin.pbf, flag_encoders:car, edges:122 846(4MB), nodes:86 532(1MB), name:(1MB), geo:299 981(2MB), bounds:13.06978847242419,13.764083879383293,52.333058655255854,52.67961645900346, CHGraph|fastest|car, shortcuts:86 565, nodesCH:(1MB)
MacBook-Pro-uzivatela-kamil:graphhopper kamil$ 

Branch 0.12 - Berlin

MacBook-Pro-uzivatela-kamil:graphhopper kamil$ ./graphhopper.sh -a import -i berlin.pbf
## using java 10.0.1 (64bit) from 
## using existing osm file berlin.pbf
## building graphhopper jar: web/target/graphhopper-web-0.12-SNAPSHOT.jar
## using maven at /usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.1/libexec
## now import. JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx1000m -Xms1000m
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by com.fasterxml.jackson.module.afterburner.util.MyClassLoader (file:/Users/kamil/Documents/Work/Android/Tutorials/graphhopper/web/target/graphhopper-web-0.12-SNAPSHOT.jar) to method java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(java.lang.String,byte[],int,int)
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of com.fasterxml.jackson.module.afterburner.util.MyClassLoader
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
2019-06-19 10:32:48.152 [main] INFO  c.g.reader.osm.GraphHopperOSM - version 0.12|2019-06-19T08:31:45Z (5,14,4,3,3,2)
2019-06-19 10:32:48.156 [main] INFO  c.g.reader.osm.GraphHopperOSM - graph CH|car|RAM_STORE|2D|NoExt|,,,,, details:edges:0(0MB), nodes:0(0MB), name:(0MB), geo:0(0MB), bounds:1.7976931348623157E308,-1.7976931348623157E308,1.7976931348623157E308,-1.7976931348623157E308, CHGraph|fastest|car, shortcuts:0, nodesCH:(0MB)
2019-06-19 10:32:48.171 [main] INFO  c.g.reader.osm.GraphHopperOSM - start creating graph from berlin.pbf
2019-06-19 10:32:48.172 [main] INFO  c.g.reader.osm.GraphHopperOSM - using CH|car|RAM_STORE|2D|NoExt|,,,,, memory:totalMB:1000, usedMB:44
2019-06-19 10:32:50.783 [main] INFO  com.graphhopper.reader.osm.OSMReader - creating graph. Found nodes (pillar+tower):247 278, totalMB:1000, usedMB:501
2019-06-19 10:32:52.421 [main] INFO  com.graphhopper.reader.osm.OSMReader - 5 312 176, now parsing ways
2019-06-19 10:32:54.064 [main] INFO  com.graphhopper.reader.osm.OSMReader - 6 093 607, now parsing relations
2019-06-19 10:32:54.068 [main] INFO  com.graphhopper.reader.osm.OSMReader - finished way processing. nodes: 98457, osmIdMap.size:251523, osmIdMap:3MB, nodeFlagsMap.size:4245, relFlagsMap.size:0, zeroCounter:4245 totalMB:1000, usedMB:309
2019-06-19 10:32:54.069 [main] INFO  com.graphhopper.reader.osm.OSMReader - time pass1:2s, pass2:3s, total:5s
2019-06-19 10:32:54.070 [main] INFO  c.g.r.s.PrepareRoutingSubnetworks - start finding subnetworks (min:200, min one way:200) totalMB:1000, usedMB:309
2019-06-19 10:32:54.204 [main] INFO  c.g.r.s.PrepareRoutingSubnetworks - car.access|bits=1|fwd_shift=1|store_both_directions=true findComponents time:0.13326348, size:3480
2019-06-19 10:32:54.288 [main] INFO  c.g.r.s.PrepareRoutingSubnetworks - 11927 subnetworks found for car, totalMB:1000, usedMB:339
2019-06-19 10:32:54.327 [main] INFO  c.g.r.s.PrepareRoutingSubnetworks - optimize to remove subnetworks (11927), unvisited-dead-end-nodes (8811), maxEdges/node (6)
2019-06-19 10:32:54.379 [main] INFO  c.g.reader.osm.GraphHopperOSM - edges: 122 846, nodes 86 532, there were 11 927 subnetworks. removed them => 11 925 less nodes
2019-06-19 10:32:54.510 [main] INFO  c.g.storage.index.LocationIndexTree - location index created in 0.12881789s, size:104 357, leafs:7 810, precision:300, depth:3, checksum:86532, entries:[64, 64, 4], entriesPerLeaf:13.361972
2019-06-19 10:32:54.523 [main] INFO  c.g.r.ch.CHAlgoFactoryDecorator - 1/1 calling node-based CH prepare.doWork for fastest|car ... (totalMB:1000, usedMB:371)
2019-06-19 10:32:54.886 [fastest_car_node] INFO  c.g.r.c.PrepareContractionHierarchies - nodes:     86 532, shortcuts:          0, updates:  0, checked-nodes:          0, t(total):   0.36,  t(period):   0.34, t(lazy):   0.00, t(neighbor):   0.00, t(contr):   0.00, t(other) :   0.01, dijkstra-ratio:  31.59%, meanDegree: 1.00, dijkstras:    345 565, mem:        1MB, totalMB:1000, usedMB:381
2019-06-19 10:32:55.705 [fastest_car_node] INFO  c.g.r.c.PrepareContractionHierarchies - nodes:     69 226, shortcuts:         16, updates:  1, checked-nodes:     17 306, t(total):   1.18,  t(period):   1.03, t(lazy):   0.00, t(neighbor):   0.06, t(contr):   0.02, t(other) :   0.07, dijkstra-ratio:  62.09%, meanDegree: 1.00, dijkstras:    633 289, mem:        1MB, totalMB:1000, usedMB:389
2019-06-19 10:32:56.437 [fastest_car_node] INFO  c.g.r.c.PrepareContractionHierarchies - nodes:     51 920, shortcuts:     10 612, updates:  2, checked-nodes:     34 612, t(total):   1.91,  t(period):   1.54, t(lazy):   0.00, t(neighbor):   0.14, t(contr):   0.13, t(other) :   0.10, dijkstra-ratio:  67.44%, meanDegree: 1.98, dijkstras:    891 164, mem:        1MB, totalMB:1000, usedMB:397
2019-06-19 10:32:57.135 [fastest_car_node] INFO  c.g.r.c.PrepareContractionHierarchies - nodes:     34 614, shortcuts:     25 054, updates:  3, checked-nodes:     51 918, t(total):   2.61,  t(period):   1.97, t(lazy):   0.00, t(neighbor):   0.25, t(contr):   0.26, t(other) :   0.13, dijkstra-ratio:  71.03%, meanDegree: 1.99, dijkstras:  1 116 598, mem:        1MB, totalMB:1000, usedMB:405
2019-06-19 10:32:58.096 [fastest_car_node] INFO  c.g.r.c.PrepareContractionHierarchies - nodes:     17 308, shortcuts:     49 920, updates:  4, checked-nodes:     69 224, t(total):   3.57,  t(period):   2.46, t(lazy):   0.00, t(neighbor):   0.49, t(contr):   0.46, t(other) :   0.16, dijkstra-ratio:  74.55%, meanDegree: 3.13, dijkstras:  1 346 958, mem:        1MB, totalMB:1000, usedMB:417
2019-06-19 10:32:59.605 [fastest_car_node] INFO  c.g.r.c.PrepareContractionHierarchies - nodes:      2 422, shortcuts:     76 647, updates:  5, checked-nodes:     86 530, t(total):   5.08,  t(period):   2.61, t(lazy):   0.35, t(neighbor):   1.05, t(contr):   0.87, t(other) :   0.20, dijkstra-ratio:  78.24%, meanDegree: 2.92, dijkstras:  1 666 410, mem:        1MB, totalMB:1000, usedMB:428
2019-06-19 10:33:00.767 [fastest_car_node] INFO  c.g.r.c.PrepareContractionHierarchies - nodes:          0, shortcuts:     86 565, updates:  5, checked-nodes:     90 021, t(total):   6.24,  t(period):   2.61, t(lazy):   0.70, t(neighbor):   1.62, t(contr):   1.09, t(other) :   0.22, dijkstra-ratio:  80.96%, meanDegree: 1.37, dijkstras:  1 875 523, mem:        1MB, totalMB:1000, usedMB:430
2019-06-19 10:33:00.768 [fastest_car_node] INFO  c.g.r.c.PrepareContractionHierarchies - new shortcuts: 86 565, initSize:86 532, prepare|fastest, periodic:20, lazy:10, neighbor:20, t(total):   6.24,  t(period):   2.61, t(lazy):   0.70, t(neighbor):   1.62, t(contr):   1.09, t(other) :   0.22, dijkstra-ratio:  80.96%, lazy-overhead: 4%, totalMB:1000, usedMB:430
2019-06-19 10:33:00.768 [fastest_car_node] INFO  c.g.r.c.PrepareContractionHierarchies - took: 6s, graph now - num edges: 122 846, num nodes: 86 532, num shortcuts: 86 565
2019-06-19 10:33:00.769 [main] INFO  c.g.reader.osm.GraphHopperOSM - flushing graph CH|car|RAM_STORE|2D|NoExt|5,14,4,3,3, details:edges:122 846(4MB), nodes:86 532(1MB), name:(1MB), geo:299 981(2MB), bounds:13.06978847242419,13.764083879383293,52.333058655255854,52.67961645900346, CHGraph|fastest|car, shortcuts:86 565, nodesCH:(1MB), totalMB:1000, usedMB:430)
2019-06-19 10:33:00.806 [main] INFO  c.g.reader.osm.GraphHopperOSM - flushed graph totalMB:1000, usedMB:448)
2019-06-19 10:33:00.807 [main] INFO  c.g.http.GraphHopperManaged - loaded graph at:./berlin-gh, data_reader_file:berlin.pbf, flag_encoders:car, edges:122 846(4MB), nodes:86 532(1MB), name:(1MB), geo:299 981(2MB), bounds:13.06978847242419,13.764083879383293,52.333058655255854,52.67961645900346, CHGraph|fastest|car, shortcuts:86 565, nodesCH:(1MB)
MacBook-Pro-uzivatela-kamil:graphhopper kamil$ 

App 0.13 with data v0.13

2019-06-19 12:45:19.399 11282-11282/? I/hhopper.androi: Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
2019-06-19 12:45:20.059 11282-11282/com.graphhopper.android D/OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
2019-06-19 12:45:20.131 11282-11341/com.graphhopper.android D/NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
2019-06-19 12:45:20.205 11282-11344/com.graphhopper.android I/Adreno: QUALCOMM build                   : 365e321, I294de8bafa
    Build Date                       : 01/08/19
    OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.25.03.02
    Local Branch                     : 
    Remote Branch                    : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM.7.5.R1.
    Remote Branch                    : NONE
    Reconstruct Branch               : NOTHING
2019-06-19 12:45:20.205 11282-11344/com.graphhopper.android I/Adreno: Build Config                     : S L 6.0.7 AArch64
2019-06-19 12:45:20.205 11282-11344/com.graphhopper.android D/vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/gralloc.msm8996.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
2019-06-19 12:45:20.209 11282-11344/com.graphhopper.android I/Adreno: PFP: 0x005ff087, ME: 0x005ff063
2019-06-19 12:45:20.216 11282-11344/com.graphhopper.android I/ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
2019-06-19 12:45:20.217 11282-11344/com.graphhopper.android I/ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasHDRDisplay retrieved: 0
2019-06-19 12:45:20.217 11282-11344/com.graphhopper.android I/OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
2019-06-19 12:45:20.218 11282-11344/com.graphhopper.android D/OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2
2019-06-19 12:45:20.252 11282-11344/com.graphhopper.android D/vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0-impl.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
2019-06-19 12:45:20.253 11282-11344/com.graphhopper.android D/vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/gralloc.msm8996.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
2019-06-19 12:45:31.698 11282-11282/com.graphhopper.android I/GH: loading map
2019-06-19 12:45:31.932 11282-11282/com.graphhopper.android W/hhopper.androi: Accessing hidden method Landroid/graphics/Canvas;->save(I)I (light greylist, linking)
2019-06-19 12:45:32.423 11282-11282/com.graphhopper.android I/GH: loading graph (0.13) ... 
2019-06-19 12:45:32.430 11282-11282/com.graphhopper.android I/Choreographer: Skipped 43 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
2019-06-19 12:45:32.477 11282-11339/com.graphhopper.android I/GlContextFactory: creating OpenGL ES 3.0 context
2019-06-19 12:45:32.478 11282-11344/com.graphhopper.android I/OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=771ms; Flags=1, IntendedVsync=66330413831710, Vsync=66331130498348, OldestInputEvent=9223372036854775807, NewestInputEvent=0, HandleInputStart=66331137986713, AnimationStart=66331138069421, PerformTraversalsStart=66331138073588, DrawStart=66331180155884, SyncQueued=66331181819426, SyncStart=66331181958280, IssueDrawCommandsStart=66331182387342, SwapBuffers=66331184633697, FrameCompleted=66331185466197, DequeueBufferDuration=443000, QueueBufferDuration=387000, 
2019-06-19 12:45:32.482 11282-11339/com.graphhopper.android I/GlContextFactory: Returning a GLES 3.0 context
2019-06-19 12:45:32.484 11282-11339/com.graphhopper.android I/o*.o*.a*.MapView: Version: OpenGL ES 3.2 V@331.0 (GIT@365e321, I294de8bafa) (Date:01/08/19)
2019-06-19 12:45:33.145 11282-11317/com.graphhopper.android I/hhopper.androi: Background concurrent copying GC freed 43715(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 47(1096KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 6MB/12MB, paused 186us total 102.194ms
2019-06-19 12:45:34.168 11282-11282/com.graphhopper.android I/GH: An error happened while creating graph:Cannot find EncodedValue roundabout in collection: null

App 0.13 with data 0.12

2019-06-19 12:38:11.493 10865-10865/? I/hhopper.androi: Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
2019-06-19 12:38:12.132 10865-10865/com.graphhopper.android D/OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
2019-06-19 12:38:12.203 10865-10903/com.graphhopper.android D/NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
2019-06-19 12:38:12.264 10865-10905/com.graphhopper.android I/Adreno: QUALCOMM build                   : 365e321, I294de8bafa
    Build Date                       : 01/08/19
    OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.25.03.02
    Local Branch                     : 
    Remote Branch                    : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM.7.5.R1.
    Remote Branch                    : NONE
    Reconstruct Branch               : NOTHING
2019-06-19 12:38:12.264 10865-10905/com.graphhopper.android I/Adreno: Build Config                     : S L 6.0.7 AArch64
2019-06-19 12:38:12.264 10865-10905/com.graphhopper.android D/vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/gralloc.msm8996.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
2019-06-19 12:38:12.268 10865-10905/com.graphhopper.android I/Adreno: PFP: 0x005ff087, ME: 0x005ff063
2019-06-19 12:38:12.273 10865-10905/com.graphhopper.android I/ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
2019-06-19 12:38:12.273 10865-10905/com.graphhopper.android I/ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasHDRDisplay retrieved: 0
2019-06-19 12:38:12.274 10865-10905/com.graphhopper.android I/OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
2019-06-19 12:38:12.274 10865-10905/com.graphhopper.android D/OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2
2019-06-19 12:38:12.301 10865-10905/com.graphhopper.android D/vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0-impl.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
2019-06-19 12:38:12.302 10865-10905/com.graphhopper.android D/vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/gralloc.msm8996.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
2019-06-19 12:38:15.354 10865-10865/com.graphhopper.android I/GH: loading map
2019-06-19 12:38:15.575 10865-10865/com.graphhopper.android W/hhopper.androi: Accessing hidden method Landroid/graphics/Canvas;->save(I)I (light greylist, linking)
2019-06-19 12:38:16.059 10865-10865/com.graphhopper.android I/GH: loading graph (0.13) ... 
2019-06-19 12:38:16.068 10865-10865/com.graphhopper.android I/Choreographer: Skipped 42 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
2019-06-19 12:38:16.100 10865-10901/com.graphhopper.android I/GlContextFactory: creating OpenGL ES 3.0 context
2019-06-19 12:38:16.103 10865-10901/com.graphhopper.android I/GlContextFactory: Returning a GLES 3.0 context
2019-06-19 12:38:16.104 10865-10905/com.graphhopper.android I/OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=738ms; Flags=1, IntendedVsync=65894072392721, Vsync=65894772392693, OldestInputEvent=9223372036854775807, NewestInputEvent=0, HandleInputStart=65894775920483, AnimationStart=65894776006577, PerformTraversalsStart=65894776010535, DrawStart=65894805043454, SyncQueued=65894807091944, SyncStart=65894807163194, IssueDrawCommandsStart=65894807752986, SwapBuffers=65894810284236, FrameCompleted=65894811165851, DequeueBufferDuration=473000, QueueBufferDuration=368000, 
2019-06-19 12:38:16.108 10865-10901/com.graphhopper.android I/o*.o*.a*.MapView: Version: OpenGL ES 3.2 V@331.0 (GIT@365e321, I294de8bafa) (Date:01/08/19)
2019-06-19 12:38:17.835 10865-10865/com.graphhopper.android I/GH: An error happened while creating graph:Cannot find EncodedValue roundabout in collection: null

App 0.12 with data 0.13

2019-06-19 13:03:08.635 12846-12846/? I/hhopper.androi: Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
2019-06-19 13:03:09.414 12846-12886/com.graphhopper.android I/hhopper.androi: Background concurrent copying GC freed 7023(1049KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(80KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 1540KB/3MB, paused 6.764ms total 108.685ms
2019-06-19 13:03:09.539 12846-12846/com.graphhopper.android D/OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
2019-06-19 13:03:09.606 12846-12916/com.graphhopper.android D/NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
2019-06-19 13:03:09.683 12846-12918/com.graphhopper.android I/Adreno: QUALCOMM build                   : 365e321, I294de8bafa
    Build Date                       : 01/08/19
    OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.25.03.02
    Local Branch                     : 
    Remote Branch                    : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM.7.5.R1.
    Remote Branch                    : NONE
    Reconstruct Branch               : NOTHING
2019-06-19 13:03:09.683 12846-12918/com.graphhopper.android I/Adreno: Build Config                     : S L 6.0.7 AArch64
2019-06-19 13:03:09.683 12846-12918/com.graphhopper.android D/vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/gralloc.msm8996.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
2019-06-19 13:03:09.687 12846-12918/com.graphhopper.android I/Adreno: PFP: 0x005ff087, ME: 0x005ff063
2019-06-19 13:03:09.693 12846-12918/com.graphhopper.android I/ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
2019-06-19 13:03:09.693 12846-12918/com.graphhopper.android I/ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasHDRDisplay retrieved: 0
2019-06-19 13:03:09.694 12846-12918/com.graphhopper.android I/OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
2019-06-19 13:03:09.694 12846-12918/com.graphhopper.android D/OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2
2019-06-19 13:03:09.717 12846-12918/com.graphhopper.android D/vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0-impl.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
2019-06-19 13:03:09.717 12846-12918/com.graphhopper.android D/vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/gralloc.msm8996.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
2019-06-19 13:03:16.185 12846-12846/com.graphhopper.android I/GH: loading map
2019-06-19 13:03:16.425 12846-12846/com.graphhopper.android W/hhopper.androi: Accessing hidden method Landroid/graphics/Canvas;->save(I)I (light greylist, linking)
2019-06-19 13:03:16.912 12846-12846/com.graphhopper.android I/GH: loading graph (0.12) ... 
2019-06-19 13:03:16.918 12846-12846/com.graphhopper.android I/Choreographer: Skipped 43 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
2019-06-19 13:03:16.953 12846-12918/com.graphhopper.android I/OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=759ms; Flags=1, IntendedVsync=67394901384078, Vsync=67395618050716, OldestInputEvent=9223372036854775807, NewestInputEvent=0, HandleInputStart=67395625880985, AnimationStart=67395625951193, PerformTraversalsStart=67395625955152, DrawStart=67395654956144, SyncQueued=67395655674894, SyncStart=67395655758123, IssueDrawCommandsStart=67395656214217, SwapBuffers=67395659774999, FrameCompleted=67395660862082, DequeueBufferDuration=277000, QueueBufferDuration=443000, 
2019-06-19 13:03:17.091 12846-12886/com.graphhopper.android I/hhopper.androi: Background concurrent copying GC freed 9114(656KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(200KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 4MB/9MB, paused 527us total 109.381ms
2019-06-19 13:03:17.244 12846-12914/com.graphhopper.android E/o*.o*.r*.GLUtils: glCreateProgram: glError 1280
2019-06-19 13:03:17.610 12846-12886/com.graphhopper.android I/hhopper.androi: Background concurrent copying GC freed 41938(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 50(1156KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 6MB/12MB, paused 266us total 135.437ms
2019-06-19 13:03:18.733 12846-12846/com.graphhopper.android I/GH: An error happened while creating graph:incorrect location index version, expected:96230

The error is probably due to an old graph extract. (make sure the graph was created with the same version like you put on Android and you load the graph)

BTW: you should only use stable releases like 0.12

I cloned repo again then I do the following:

  • open clone android project
  • create new routing data
  • copy routing data to graphhopper maps folder
  • run android project

This is result:
An error happened while creating graph:Version of EncodedValue road_class|version=1237974758|bits=5|index=0|shift=1|store_both_directions=false does not match road_class|version=-2100336611|bits=5|index=0|shift=1|store_both_directions=false. Stored 1237974758 vs. in code -2100336611

IMHO error is not due to an old graph extract.

For creating routing data was used: slovakia-latest.osm.pbf (http://download.geofabrik.de/europe/slovakia-latest.osm.pbf)

Thanks. Will look into it as it could be also a bug.

I can reproduce the issue for the current master, see https://github.com/graphhopper/graphhopper/issues/1650

@KamikX can you try this branch: https://github.com/graphhopper/graphhopper/tree/issue_1650

(you need to recreate the routing data as well as the apk)

In my tests the problem did not appear anymore.

@karussell hi, I clone branch with name issue_1650 and recreate the routing data as well as the apk but another problem is still here:

An error happened while creating graph:Version of EncodedValue roundabout|version=2007680761|bits=1|index=0|shift=0|store_both_directions=false does not match roundabout|version=283388307|bits=1|index=0|shift=0|store_both_directions=false. Stored 2007680761 vs. in code 283388307

I tried slovakia-latest.osm.pbf and berlin.pbf, in both case i get same error.

For routing data is used graphhopper-web-0.13-SNAPSHOT.jar and in android app is used this dependenci:
implementation(group: ‘com.graphhopper’, name: ‘graphhopper-core’, version: ‘0.13-SNAPSHOT’)

Ok, strange. This should no longer happen. Can you make sure that you remove all old data from your phone and you use the fresh data? Furthermore can you make sure that you use the latest APK e.g. via printing Constants.BUILD_DATE to the logs?

@karussell I’m sure I deleted the old data and use fresh data. Build date is:
2019-07-05 21:37:31.991 16472-16472/com.graphhopper.android D/MainActivity: Build date: 2019-07-03T07:58:59Z

What happens if you deinstall the apk and install this instead: https://graphhopper.com/public/releases/graphhopper-android-0.13.0-pre9.apk
(keeping the graph files on Android)

@karussell when install https://graphhopper.com/public/releases/graphhopper-android-0.13.0-pre9.apk the graph is loaded correctly.

This apk is based on the mentioned branch. Can you rebuild your apk again (switch the branch and make sure you call e.g. mvn clean), remove the app from your phone and reinstall it?

@karussell still not working, my steps:

  • uninstall old apk from phone
  • switch to master branch
  • run mvn clean
  • switch to issue_1650 branch
  • run mvn clean
  • in android studio run Invalidate Cache / Restart…
  • run app via AS (no working)
  • uninstall old apk from phone
  • run gradle assemble (create debug and release apk, copy to device and install)
  • run app (no working)

Log mvn clean:

MacBook-Pro-uzivatela-kamil:graphhopper kamil$ mvn clean
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] GraphHopper Parent Project                                         [pom]
[INFO] GraphHopper API                                                    [jar]
[INFO] GraphHopper Web API                                                [jar]
[INFO] GraphHopper Core                                                   [jar]
[INFO] GraphHopper Reader for OpenStreetMap Data                          [jar]
[INFO] GraphHopper Isochrone                                              [jar]
[INFO] GraphHopper Reader for Gtfs Data                                   [jar]
[INFO] GraphHopper Tools                                                  [jar]
[INFO] GraphHopper Directions API hand-crafted Java Client.               [jar]
[INFO] GraphHopper Dropwizard Bundle                                      [jar]
[INFO] GraphHopper Web                                                    [jar]
[INFO] -----------------< com.graphhopper:graphhopper-parent >-----------------
[INFO] Building GraphHopper Parent Project 0.13-SNAPSHOT                 [1/11]
[INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ graphhopper-parent ---
[INFO] ------------------< com.graphhopper:graphhopper-api >-------------------
[INFO] Building GraphHopper API 0.13-SNAPSHOT                            [2/11]
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ graphhopper-api ---
[INFO] ----------------< com.graphhopper:graphhopper-web-api >-----------------
[INFO] Building GraphHopper Web API 0.13-SNAPSHOT                        [3/11]
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ graphhopper-web-api ---
[INFO] ------------------< com.graphhopper:graphhopper-core >------------------
[INFO] Building GraphHopper Core 0.13-SNAPSHOT                           [4/11]
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ graphhopper-core ---
[INFO] ---------------< com.graphhopper:graphhopper-reader-osm >---------------
[INFO] Building GraphHopper Reader for OpenStreetMap Data 0.13-SNAPSHOT  [5/11]
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ graphhopper-reader-osm ---
[INFO] ---------------< com.graphhopper:graphhopper-isochrone >----------------
[INFO] Building GraphHopper Isochrone 0.13-SNAPSHOT                      [6/11]
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ graphhopper-isochrone ---
[INFO] --------------< com.graphhopper:graphhopper-reader-gtfs >---------------
[INFO] Building GraphHopper Reader for Gtfs Data 0.13-SNAPSHOT           [7/11]
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ graphhopper-reader-gtfs ---
[INFO] -----------------< com.graphhopper:graphhopper-tools >------------------
[INFO] Building GraphHopper Tools 0.13-SNAPSHOT                          [8/11]
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ graphhopper-tools ---
[INFO] --------------< com.graphhopper:directions-api-client-hc >--------------
[INFO] Building GraphHopper Directions API hand-crafted Java Client. 0.13-SNAPSHOT [9/11]
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ directions-api-client-hc ---
[INFO] ---------------< com.graphhopper:graphhopper-web-bundle >---------------
[INFO] Building GraphHopper Dropwizard Bundle 0.13-SNAPSHOT             [10/11]
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ graphhopper-web-bundle ---
[INFO] ------------------< com.graphhopper:graphhopper-web >-------------------
[INFO] Building GraphHopper Web 0.13-SNAPSHOT                           [11/11]
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ graphhopper-web ---
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary for GraphHopper Parent Project 0.13-SNAPSHOT:
[INFO] GraphHopper Parent Project ......................... SUCCESS [  0.172 s]
[INFO] GraphHopper API .................................... SUCCESS [  0.003 s]
[INFO] GraphHopper Web API ................................ SUCCESS [  0.003 s]
[INFO] GraphHopper Core ................................... SUCCESS [  0.026 s]
[INFO] GraphHopper Reader for OpenStreetMap Data .......... SUCCESS [  0.004 s]
[INFO] GraphHopper Isochrone .............................. SUCCESS [  0.004 s]
[INFO] GraphHopper Reader for Gtfs Data ................... SUCCESS [  0.005 s]
[INFO] GraphHopper Tools .................................. SUCCESS [  0.003 s]
[INFO] GraphHopper Directions API hand-crafted Java Client. SUCCESS [  0.006 s]
[INFO] GraphHopper Dropwizard Bundle ...................... SUCCESS [  0.004 s]
[INFO] GraphHopper Web .................................... SUCCESS [  0.003 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  0.389 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-07-06T10:13:23+02:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 Like

This is ugly, that this is so complicated. Maybe we are missing here a small thing that is required to make it working.

Can you try the following 2 steps:

mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
run gradle assemble (create debug and release apk, copy to device and install)

The first step installs 0.13-SNAPSHOT of graphhopper-core in the local maven repository and the second step (hopefully) uses this local dependency. You can be sure that the newly created graphhopper-core is used via printing the BUILD_DATE as I mentioned before.

If this still does not work, which would be strange, then you can try the following maven-only commands that I’m using (but setup is more complicated).

To make it working in the IDE it is very important to uncomment the following block in the app/build.gradle file:

/** only necessary if you need to use latest SNAPSHOT
configurations.all {
    // check for updates every build
    resolutionStrategy.cacheChangingModulesFor 0, 'seconds'

@karussell finnaly mvn clean install -DskipTests=true and load com.graphhopper:graphhopper-core:0.13-SNAPSHOT from local maven works :slight_smile:


1 Like