VRP with TomTom - exclude a specific tunnel

The Rotherhithe Tunnel in London is not allowed to have vehicles matching the below travel through it:

  • More than 2 metres (6.5 feet) high OR
  • More than 2 metres (6.5 feet) wide OR
  • Goods vehicles weighing more than 2 tonnes gross vehicle weight (GVW)

When using TomTom VRP with the vehicle profile of small_truck, routes will still go through this tunnel. Can this be either fixed (I think this should be by default if using small_truck) or is there a way to exclude this manually on our side by using a Custom Model?

Thank you :slight_smile:

I cannot reproduce this and for TomTom & small_truck the tunnel is avoided. What is your request? (You can use a PM to send it to me too)

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