Use graphhoper to indoor navigation

I am working with GraphHopper 10.0 and trying to implement indoor navigation. To represent different floors, I added the level tag in JOSM, but I need to handle route calculations across different floors myself. I came across the GHPoint3D class in the project, which allows navigation at different altitudes by passing an elevation parameter. I believe this can be used to implement navigation between floors.

But I don’t know how to use it, hahah

Thank you for your help and responses!

Yes, there is a GHPoint3D which (besides lat/lon) has an elevation value. However, in GraphHopper this is only used to represent (absolute) altitude, but not for handling indoor routing across different floors. To actually use GraphHopper for this a lot more needs to be done. There is an issue on github that discusses indoor routing that might be useful for you: Indoor Routing · Issue #646 · graphhopper/graphhopper · GitHub