Unified Rail , Road and Ferry encoder

I have managed to get the rail encoder working from the fork that was done for SNCF, many thanks. What I failed miserably to do is combine that with the standard road encoder so I dont have to run two instances. I need 16 gig just to run one for Europe so it’s expensive running two. I have also failed to add ferry ways to the rail or road encoders which I need and should surely be trivial.
I am about to offer this to the Ukrainian market as it’s surely a straightforward job for a competent Java programmer. If there’s any further work on this I would be grateful.

My problems on this are essentially my incompetence at grasping Java principles. Adding ferries to the rail encoder , and then having the road and the rail working at once, is just do… I was just hoping for good news that i can just do this now with a user config.

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