Unable to Generate Route Towards Residential Area

Hi, I’m unable to get the route polyline using Graphhopper Public here Driving Directions - GraphHopper Maps

The route seems taking detour on the outside of the housing area, I also did not see any suspicious OSM tag that could cause this. Does someone know why this happened?

Attached is the screenshot of the route result

Thank you

There is a gate (node): Node: ‪Gerbang Masuk Pesona Khayangan‬ (‪6395663092‬) | OpenStreetMap
You can also see it in the OmniScale map layer:

@easbar - The most left gate has access=permissive Node: ‪Gerbang Masuk Pesona Khayangan‬ (‪6395663092‬) | OpenStreetMap the route should be able to pass through right?
The other gate here Node: 9699810301 | OpenStreetMap indeed has access=private and vehicle=private gate - does these two tags made Graphhopper unable to generate the route polyline towards it?

The most left gate has access=permissive Node: ‪Gerbang Masuk Pesona Khayangan‬ (‪6395663092‬) | OpenStreetMap the route should be able to pass through right?

Yes, and actually that is the case. GraphHopper does not block access for this kind of gate.
However, since this is a one-way and the other gate cannot be passed the whole road becomes inaccessible. This is because it would be possible to drive the one-way, but not to get out from there. We sometimes call this a one-way subnetwork.

If this little connecting piece of road:


wasn’t private it should be able to do a u-turn just before the private gates. Then again it seems strange to tag the lift_gates as permissive if they only lead to the private area.

Thank you for your explanation @easbar

Then again it seems strange to tag the lift_gates as permissive if they only lead to the private area.

I think this related on how OSM Mapper interpret the permissive vs private tag usage in OSM. Residential area in this case is actually accessible by vehicles if the origin or destination is located within that area.

Residential area in this case is actually accessible by vehicles if the origin or destination is located within that area.

Isn’t this what access=destination is meant for? But this wouldn’t be correct either in case this is only allowed for a selected group of drivers (private). Anyway, if the first gates are permissive maybe the little piece of road connecting the lanes before the private gates should be permissive as well (instead of private)?

Yes correct I think access=destination is the appropriate tag, no specific selected group of drivers allowed in that area as far as I know.

Anyway, if the first gates are permissive maybe the little piece of road connecting the lanes before the private gates should be permissive as well (instead of private)?
Yes probably the previous OSM mapper missed to update this tag combination.