Trouble recreating the GTFS demo

Having trouble recreating the GTFS demo, I’ll outline below what I’ve done so far.

Followed the instructions here to setup from the source. It appears to work fine as I can follow the instructions and get it up and running for bike, car, and foot.

I’m attempting to follow the instructions here. I’ve already downloaded the osm.pbf and gtfs files. I start a babun session and this is what happens.


I then run the following code:

java -Xmx1500m -Xms1500m -Dgraphhopper.datareader.file=brandenburg-latest.osm.pbf -Dgraphhopper.graph.flag_encoders=pt -Dgraphhopper.graph.location=./graph-cache -jar web/target/graphhopper-web-0.11-SNAPSHOT.jar server config.yml

And get the following error:

I finally got it to run when I cranked it up to -Xmx8G -Xms8G, this seems a little high but otherwise it appears to work. Thanks.