Take `cycleway`s along roads into account for custom routing profiles

I am working on a project where I use Graphhopper with custom bicycle routing to generate isochrones (locally). To create/compare different bicycle profiles, I want to create f.e. a profile that avoids roads without cycleways.

So far I played around with the following custom profiles, to get an understanding of the given “road attributes” as described in here work:

  "distance_influence": 15,
  "priority": [
      "if": "road_class==TRUNK||road_class==PRIMARY||road_class==SECONDARY",
      "multiply_by": "0.5"


  "distance_influence": 15,
  "priority": [
      "if": "road_class != CYCLEWAY && road_class != RESIDENTIAL",
      "multiply_by": "0.5"

I noticed that the “road attribute” road_class==CYCLEWAY does not take the cycleway along the road (Way: ‪Blaschkoallee‬ (‪1018900667‬) | OpenStreetMap ) into account, but only separate highway=cycleway or = path with bicycle=designated.
My question: Is there an existing “Road attribute” to take the cycleway-tag along a road (f.e. cycleway=track and highway=secondary) into account?
(Actually the same issue applies to sidewalk-tag, when it comes to pedestrian routing.)
A similar issue came up and had been solved at least for the default routing(?) ( Handle cycleway tag · Issue #2074 · graphhopper/graphhopper · GitHub, see also bicycle routing support for cycleway:left and cycleway:right tag · Issue #280 · graphhopper/graphhopper · GitHub ), however I am unable to retrieve this info from the “Road attributes” in a custom routing profile.

To show the relevance:
The following overpass queries show roads that have cycleways / sidewalks aside, however, are not taken into account by the road_class==CYCLEWAY.
It would be beautiful to have those somehow as “Road attribute” for walk/bike infrastructure to customize routes accordingly.

Example for non-separate bike-infrastructure:
cycleway:* =track =lane

Example for non-separate walk-infrastructure:
sidewalk ….

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