Route optimise with time windows

Hi All

We are trimming our Direction API with Route Optimise and upholding time windows.

We have orders that has a time window from 20:00 til 07:00 next morning and also orders with timewindow 22.00 til 07:00 next morning.

When we create a route for one vehicle starting 22:00 with no timewindows, the route will be able to visit all stops and will calculate the shortest route and shortest completion time.

Se this figure. (69,9 km, Duration 7:13, 0:00 waiting time)

We expected to get the same route with time using uphold windows and they will all fit into the trip as the trip starts at 22:00 (after the latest start time window), and will all be delivered latest at 05:12 (way before the lastes time window at 07:00)

But in reality we get another result.
The trip is 74 km, Duration 7:15 and no waiting time. And the trip is starting the other way around.

Is there anyone that knows why there is a difference in the way it calculated with or without time windows?

Further more, if we set the trip to an earliest startingtime at 20:00 to ensure there is time enough to deliver, the trip will take even longer. and revisit the same areas multiple times.
Distance: 81,9 km, Duration: 7:42 and 0:00 waiting time.

I had hoped for the trip to be calculated with the shortest possible distance and duration.

Are we doing anything wrong.

I will share the two inputs and results shortly.

Kind regards

trip_with_timewindows_input.json (47.6 KB)
trip_with_timewindows_output.json (86.6 KB)
trip_without_timewindows_input.json (38.9 KB)
trip_without_timewindows_output.json (86.6 KB)