Problem with earliest_start

I’m building an integration with GrapHopper api to generate a route for service workers and I have a problem with earliest_start.

All my employee work from 09:00 till 17:00, they start driving from home to their first assignment and they should arrive at 09:00 to start their work.

However when setting earliest_start to 09:00 that time will be marked as the time they should start driving from their home. Is there a way to achieve this?


yes, you can achieve this by estimate the least_leave_home_time, if you must servicing 1th customer at 9:00, then accumulate inversion visit from 1th customer at 9:00(ArriveTime_1th), transport time between home and 1th_customer(note, symmetry distance value from home_location to 1th_location / 1th_location to home_location),

now least_leave_home_time= ArriveTime_1th- distance(home_location, 1th_location). is that all.

hope this is good idea for you, and me english is bad.

One option I see is that you specify “earliest_start” sufficiently earlier than 9:00 (like the way @caogaoli058 described). Furthermore, you can make sure that your employees do not start their assignments earlier than 9:00 by assigning time windows to them, e.g. [9:00-17:00] as described here.