Path simplification

Hi there, I think there is still a problem with path simplification in the graphhopper result. When a waypoint is closer than ~3 meters from a node, this node isn’t used in the resulting path.

Here is an example of the simplified geometry:

And here is the non simplified geometry, with the waypoint slightly further away:

Would it be possible to have the non simplified path every time ?

Regards, Olivier

What is your use case? Why would you need the geometry in such a great detail?

You can use the undocumented "way_point_max_distance": 0 in the request.

We detect and clean automatically some micro round trips like the one in the example. If the geometry is simplified we can’t detect them easily

Regards, Olivier

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It works great, thanks you !

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So you need the non simplified path because the path simplification is potentially skipping junction nodes?

Yes that is the case.
Maybe the path simplification should keep all the junctions, if possible

A more reliable way to detect similar segments could be to use the path detail “edge_id”. Then you do not have to rely on the geometry. But you won’t be able to rely on the edge IDs at a later moment as they can change every few days.

(btw: this path detail will also enforce that the path simplification is only done between junctions)

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Ok I will look into it, thanks !