Parse paths to use Mapbox utilities


I’m trying to parse the response of a routing request into a MapBox route. The following code produces as successful response and allows me to make use of the round trip feature of the routing API:

List<String> point = new ArrayList<>();
String coord = locations[0].getLatitude() + "," + locations[0].getLongitude();
RoutingApi api = new RoutingApi();
RouteResponse res = api.routeGet(
                point, false, "[KEY]", "en",  true,
                "foot", false, true, null, true, null, false, "round_trip", null, null,
                null, null, (int) 3, (long) 1, null, null, null, null);

However I cannot figure out how to turn this response into a route using the MapBox functions? Can anyone please point me in the right direction?


When you use Java, I recommend to use our hand crafted client instead. It is not so ugly to create a simple routing request:

We also provide a /navigate endpoint with which it should be possible to use a mapbox client directly. See our navigation example that uses the Mapbox Navigation SDK:

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Thanks for the tip @karussell.

I have tried to implement the hand crafted client, but i keep getting 405 errors (“Method not allowed”).

    // Hint: create this thread safe instance only once in your application to allow the underlying library to cache the costly initial https handshake
    GraphHopperWeb gh = new GraphHopperWeb();
    // insert your key here
    // change timeout, default is 5 seconds
    gh.setDownloader(new OkHttpClient.Builder().
            connectTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS).
            readTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS).build());

    GHRequest req = new GHRequest()
            .addPoint(new GHPoint(51.9073273, -0.2260282))
            .addPoint(new GHPoint(51.9373273, -0.2560282))
    req.getHints().put("instructions", true);
    req.getHints().put("calc_points", true);
    GHResponse res = gh.route(req);

Can anyone tell me why this might be the case, i have tried all sorts of combinations, cutting it back to the simplest possible and i have made no progress.

You need to use the latest stable version, not from master. Which version are you using?

This is my Gradle dependency:

implementation 'com.graphhopper:directions-api-client-hc:1.0-pre4'

Can you try the latest stable 0.13.0 instead?

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Have tried the following dependency and now works perfectly:

implementation 'com.graphhopper:directions-api-client-hc:0.13.0-pre9'

Thanks for the info :smile:

And 0.13.0 does not work?

“pre” means it is sometimes not fully production ready and also not supported later on with security bug fixes. We only support the latest 0.13.0.

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Yes 0.13.0 works, I will use that instead of 0.13.0-pre9, thanks for the advice!

I am still having trouble integrating the response from the Routing API into the Mapbox navigation endpoint.

Correct me if i’m wrong, but the navigation endpoint in the example SDK uses to generate an encoded polyline which is used by the Mapbox API to generate the route, whereas the HC routing api uses to generate a routing response which does not include the correct information to pass to the mapbox API.

How do i turn the response of the Routing API into something that can be used by the Navigation endpoint, without creating a second Routing request?

If you read /route use client-hc and convert to the format you need.
If you read /navigate you should be able to use any mapbox library, e.g. the Java library like we do in our Android demo.

How do i turn the response of the Routing API into something that can be used by the Navigation endpoint, without creating a second Routing request?

I do not understand this. The navigation endpoint is an endpoint to serve a client just like the /route endpoint ‘only’ in a different JSON format, it does not consume something from a source.

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Thank you for your help, my question was probably a bit vague. After some sleuthing, I think i have found what i need, so I will post it here for anyone else.

Interesting - thanks!

Looks like I have not properly understood your use case. For the Routing API you do not need an extra node.js service though, we did this in Java here:

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Perfect, exactly what I needed! Thanks!