Osm multiple profile tagging and contraction hierarchy mode


i am currently trying to run graphhopper with mulitple profile support in contraction hierarchy mode.

In particular i manually tag my graph edges with one of the car, foot, bike, motorcycle profile as

tag k=‘oneway’ v='no’
tag k=‘highway’ v='track’
tag k=‘car’ v='yes’
tag k=‘bicycle’ v='no’
tag k=‘foot’ v='yes’
tag k=‘motorcycle’ v='no’
tag k=‘oneway’ v='no’
tag k=‘highway’ v='track’
tag k=‘car’ v='yes’
tag k=‘bicycle’ v='yes’
tag k=‘foot’ v='no’
tag k=‘motorcycle’ v=‘no’"

Even though everything works well in flexibility mode, in the fast mode (contraction hierarchy) the foot profile does not always work as desired. Specifically, i get an error of the form [java.lang.RuntimeException: Connection between locations not found] in some cases. I have also tried the ‘foot|blockFords=true’ in ‘graph.flagEncoders’ but the issue still remains.

thank you very much in advance!