OSM Max Speed Tag vs Default Speed in CarFlagEncoder


I noticed that graphhopper defined specific speed values on the CarFlagEncoder.java, I’d like to understand if certain highway in OSM already has max_speed tag then which speed values will take into account by graphhopper? Does graphhopper will ignore the “max_speed” value on OSM?

Thank you


The max_speed value is one indication we use to determine the default speed. But the default speed will be always lower than max_speed.

Thanks @karussell - if there are cases where the max_speed value in OSM data has higher value than the default speed, let’s say a mapper update it based on his local knowledge then which speed value will be taken by Graphhopper?

A map update does not come automatically to GraphHopper. A reimport is required for your local graphhopper instance.

If you mean our GraphHopper Maps instance then a map update can take 1-3 days.

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