One-to-many requests

What’s the exact status of one-to-many with the different routing engines? I was a PR for matrix api from last year but that seems to have died a death over the issue of the web interface. Can it be resurrected? What about the new hybrid?

What do you mean with different routing engines? Do you mean different algorithms?

I was a PR for matrix api from last year but that seems to have died a death over the issue of the web interface.

The original poster of the PR obviously lost time and/or interests. The new hybrid algorithm is not optimal to solve these problems as it is goal directed, but it is possible probably the speed up compared to single point-to-point requests is not that big.

Hi. Thanks for the quick response. Yes algorithms. We’ll test on multiple
point-to-point. We’re typically after m x n where m << n so it may well be
fast enough.

Hi, I’m running into confusion here, I’m afraid. I built the map with ch.enable=false. I then try to run from the java api, from UK OSM map having set file names for importOrLoad

I can do this:
new GHRequest(target(List(from, to)))

and my 200 one-to-one take approximately 50 seconds
Or I can leave out the setAlgorithm flag altogether in which case the time is still about the same.
But how do I set it to use hybrid mode? I know it did map prep because it talked about “landmarks” during the build process. But there isn’t an obvious string constant for setAlgorithm( ) and using “hybrid” fails telling me there’s no route so fails on getBest

tracing around the code, it looks like you do something in the GraphHopperModule to set it up but I’m using java api
Is that the case?