One round routing

Hey guys,

currently, I implement a wordpress pluging encapsulating graphhopper for a delivery problem, and I use the route optimisation API. Right now, I have a problem, that graphhopper creates only one toure for our two trucks. Once the capacity is full, it puts the remaining deliveries as out of capacity, although, it could actually create a second tour
Our trucks have the capacity of 6000, and each delivery could have a weight between 400-5000.

Here is an example of GH response:

  • Start point - after delivery 6000
    1- Customer A - 07:00 , weight 400, after delivery 5600
    2- Customer B - 08:00, weight 5000, after delivery 200
    3- Customer C - does not fit into any vehicle due to capacity
    4- Customer D - does not fit into any vehicle due to capacity
    5- Customer E - does not fit into any vehicle due to capacity

Is there any parameter in the response, which could be used to avoid this behaviour?
I would appreciate, if someone could help me.



if I understood your use case properly I think you need to use shipments. See this blog post:

Hi Karussel, thanks a lot for responding and the hint. It works for me :slight_smile:

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