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Oh thanks , Could I use cygwin?

Yes, see the windows requirements here

Thank you! I finally ues babun~
I use :

{ ~ } Ā» cd graphhopper
{ graphhopper } Ā» cd graphhopper ~/graphhopper
{ graphhopper } master Ā»

Go to graphhopper-master, is it right?And then I use:

./ import test.osm

And here is an error:

using java from C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_73
./ line 86: mvn: command not foundFile not found ā€˜test.osmā€™. Press ENTER to get it from:

the test.osm file is in the graphhoper-master folder.

What happen?Could you please help me?


Thank you ~
I finally got it
Thank you for your help~:smiley:

Do Cruiser app code is open? if so, where I can find it?

Cruiser is free, not open source, showing Mapsforge + VTM + GraphHopper integration.
For questions regarding Cruiser please use its forum.

hello Mantjā€¦ I am having same problem as u ā€¦ can u please tell me how u resolve that.