Need ability to influence activity arrival or endtime

I have been working on scenario for implementing single pickup and multiple delivery scenario. I am creating multiple shipments all having same pickup location. Using SoftRouteConstraint, I am able to assign all jobs belong to same customer/order to a single vehicle(if it has enough space).

Now, I need ability to add/ignore pickup service time conditionally. Example: for 1 pickup and 3 deliveries, let’s say we need 2 vehicles(Vehicle 1 - 2 pickups and Vehicle 2 - 1 pickup).

In this case, pickup service time for Vehicle 1 should be considered only for 1st pickup.

Is there a way to write a listener that can influence service time, arrival and end time of an activity?


You can add this pickup time in TravelTime,

i.e: modifiedTravelTime (A-B) = travelTime(A-B) + pickup/delivery Time @ A

Thanks Bhoumik.

I cannot add pickup time while creating Shipment using Shipment.Builder. This will add pickup time for every shipment. Rather, I need a hook/listener while the engine is solving a problem. Similar to hard/soft constraints which influences the outcome of the solution.

I have tried to set ArrivalTime/EndTime of pickup activity using SoftActivityConstraint. But this doesn’t seem to have any impact on solution output.

Hi @amit_ak,

If I understand your problem correctly, you want a constant service time at each location. Which is independent of number of shipments picked up/dropped at that location?

Hi @Bhoumik_Shah,
I want constant service at location independent of number of shipments at particular location for a vehicle.

Example: Let’s say, 4 Tons of load need to moved from a pickup point to 3 delivery points. Let’s assume JSprit assigns 2 vehicles to do this job. (Vehicle1 - 3 shipments and Vehicle2 - 1 shipment). In this case, constant service time need to be assigned to each vehicle independent of number of shipments.


Hi @amit_ak,

You can account for constant service time by modifying travel time between two locations and making service time for each shipment as 0.

modifiedTravelTime (A-B) = travelTime(A-B) + service Time @ A

In your example: let pickup location be P, and delivery location D1,D2 and D3.

for each pair(P,D*) or (D*,D’) or (D*,P) increase travel time by service time of source location.
i.e: Modified TravelTime(P,D*) = TraelTime(P,D*) + service time @ P.

Once you get the result you can do post processing to get actual times.

Does it make sense?

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Thanks @Bhoumik_Shah.

I don’t think this approach would work. I need ability to add service time for first pickup the vehicle does at particular location. Subsequent pickup service times needs to be ignored for a particular vehicle.

When applied to my example: (Vehicle1 - 3 shipments and Vehicle2 - 1 shipment). Vehicle 1 should be assigned pickup service time for first shipment and it needs to be ignored for other 2 shipments.

I need ability to setArrTime or setEndTime of an activity, either through soft/hard constraint or ActivityVisitor. Even after changing arriving or end time in soft constraint or ActivityVisitor, JSpirit solver is ignoring the revised timings.


This is currently hard to model. @braktar has done work related to this. What you can do is that you set service time to zero and consider this in your transport time from A to B, i.e. t*(A,B)=t(A,B)+st(B) for all A != B where t(A,B) is the original transport time from A to B and st(B) is the service time for B. If A=B, t*(A,B)=t(A,B).
Best, Stefan

Oh just saw that @Bhoumik_Shah proposed exactly what I just suggested :). Thanks @Bhoumik_Shah :).

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Thanks @Bhoumik_Shah and @stefan,

Can you please help me in understanding on where should I write this logic ?
I tried changing arrival and end time of activity using setArrTime or setEndTime methods in soft/hard constraint as well as ActivityVisitor. Somehow, JSpirit solver is ignoring these revised timings.


Hi @amit_ak,

You don’t have to write logic proposed by @stefan and me

All you need to do is make service time zero for all the shipments and modify travel time between each location as:


You shoud never manipulate setArrTime and setEndTime.

As mentionned @Bhoumik_Shah, you could model the service time contraction as a delay to reach a new location directly in the time matrix.

I’ve worked on such feature and called it “SetupTime” which is equivalent to a preparation time once we arrive to a new location and seems to meet your requirement.

I’ve just updated it !

So you can define the setup time instead of service time in the problem definition

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Last time I faced the problem, what I did was similar to braktar’s setup time, but in a reverse manner:

I still used the same old transport time between locations with different coordinates, but used a negative transport time if two locations had the same coordinate.

There are two drawbacks in this approach:

  1. number of locations is larger: locations with the same coordinates will no longer be the same location - they will bear different id and/or index so that I can identify them and impose negative transport time between them;

  2. if there are time windows, they might be violated.

Thank you all. I was able to resolve the problem by making service time zero and modifying the travel time.

I will also tryout suggestion given by @braktar and @jie31best.
