I have to optimize routes for garbage trucks and other multi-chambered transport trucks, that have to do pickups of shipment types, that only fit into one of the chambers.
Would it be possible to create capacity objects, that would be assigned to something like a group?
Lets say a truck has to pick up glass and metals in one chamber, and residual waste in the other. How would I go about doing this?
Thank you in advance.
The “capacity” and “size” features are both arrays like [ 1000, 300 ]
. I.e. you can already specify multiple values per vehicle type. Or do you mean something else?
We service trucks that have two or more chambers. Each with different volume and weight restrictions. So it would be something like [ [ 500, 300 ] , [ 400, 600 ] ]
Edit: Optimally it would be [ { weight: 700, volume: 300, type: 'glass' }, { weight: 700: volume: 300, type: 'paper' } ]
, so that we could differentiate the types and amounts collected at each stop.
Could you use [500, 300, 400, 600]
instead? And then when you pick up it would be something like [10,4,0,0]
for glass and [0,0,9,2]
for paper? Or would this be problematic in some way?
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So the array can be as long as needed, and every odd value is a weight, and every even value is volume?
Because that would definitely work, if that’s possible for the system!
Yes, it can be as long as needed. But there is no unit associated. Ie. it could be weight, distance or size however you like.
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