Multi day route and hotel

For a multi day route and one vehicle.
Can a vehicle set its endpoint at the final location of its day route, allowing the driver to rest (for example, at a hotel unknown before optimization) and then start the next day’s work from that same location?


Did you have a look into shifts if it is suitable in your case?

Hello, I have exactly the same question. It found this other post which is nearly the same problem: Perform services without locations in route towards the next service

I have already read the several traveling salesman tutorials, tried a lot of things (with or without shifts) but I failed to find a solution that respects the constraint : the beginning of the next day starts from the end of the previous day (which is unknown since it is the API that will choose it…)

Is there any tricks or workaround to do it?


What happens when you set "return_to_depot": false and omit the start_address for all shifts except the first?

Or did you try without shifts and use time windows for the unavailable time (nights)?

Thanks for your answer. I’ll try again with your suggestions and get back to you.