Modifying the weighting formula.


Is it possible to modify the formula for the weighting directly? Instead of using the .json files.

“edge_weight = edge_distance / (speed * priority) + edge_distance * distance_influence”

Thank you.

It is possible by changing the Java code, but not simply by modifying the configuration file/profiles. What kind of change do you have in mind by the way? We are also looking into different variations of the formula.

Hello, sorry for the late response. I am working on an efficient navigation module, focused in electric vehicles. I have implemented a formula considering different parameters, such as altitude, drag coefficient, temperature, etc in python using osm and I would like to integrate this work with graphhopper. If you could help me to identify where in the code I can modify the formula it would be really helpful. Thank you un advance.

It might be easiest to write your own implementation of Another approach would be using, which you can configure in json/yaml, but this approach might be too limited.

Ok, I will try to modify that file. Just to confirm, is the one in this path, right?

Thank you.

Yes, that’s the interface you need to implement. You can add your implementation to and use it via the weighting field in your profile.

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