Making offline routing available for graphhopper ( github issue 293) : changing edge_id in respect to its bounding tile

Hi there.

I’m interested in making routing available for offline as it is described in issue 293.
I’ve divided nameindex and location_index into tiles. but I dont have any clue how to do this for edges?(edges and edgeAccess)

Please help me how I could do this? how I could change edge id to easily compute its surronding tile?

More explanation:
I’m very interested in making offline routing available for graphhopper. I have read graphhopper core’s code and divided location_index and name-index by bounding rectangular tile. In last week I was going to do this for edges.
I wanted to add some bits to edge_id in order to show their tile_index by this. Changing edge_id in every way I have tried ran into bugs. So I wanted to change the edge pointer and add extra bits to tile index but couldn’t get it done. I don’t have any idea now for how to work on it.
I wanted to ask how I might start? I’m really into it.

Hey Everybody
It’s been a while I’m learning graphhopper’s source code. I have implemented wrapper class in order to divide Edges, Location Index and NameIndex into squared tiles, Edges was a bit harder than others. Still working to complete it. Hope it will get done well and adding this feature to graphhopper.

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