Jsprit :- Vehicle Routing Algorithm solutions are not based on cost matrix issue

Vehicle Routing Algorithm solutions are not based on cost matrix issue

Data :- we have 2 fleets and 1 order (Shipment)
Details :-

Order :- Shipment

Pick lat long :- 43.6631316 -79.4029299
Delivery lat long :- 43.6385261 -79.4751539


1. Vehicle
[id=2][type=[typeId=2][capacity=[noDimensions=2][[dimIndex=0][dimValue=5000]][[dimIndex=1][dimValue=5000]]][costs=[fixed=1.0][perTime=1.0][perDistance=1.0][perWaitingTimeUnit=1.0]]][startLocation=[id=-2][index=-1][coordinate=null]][endLocation=[id=-2][index=-1][coordinate=null]][isReturnToDepot=true][skills=[, 2_vehicle]]
lat long :- 43.7572088788494,-79.5109858621854
Distance and time from vehicle current location to pickup location = 18.8 km /40 mins

2. Vehicle
[id=1][type=[typeId=1][capacity=[noDimensions=2][[dimIndex=0][dimValue=5000]][[dimIndex=1][dimValue=5000]]][costs=[fixed=1.0][perTime=1.0][perDistance=1.0][perWaitingTimeUnit=1.0]]][startLocation=[id=-1][index=-1][coordinate=null]][endLocation=[id=-1][index=-1][coordinate=null]][isReturnToDepot=true][skills=[, 1_vehicle]]
lat long :- 43.729521,-79.4322585440268
Distance and time from vehicle current location to pickup location = 8.4 km /23 mins

Vehicle Configuration is same but the latitude and longitude is different and lat long is already mentioned in the detail .

Scenario 1 :-
If vehicle sequence in VehicleRoutingAlgorithm object is like this
1 vehicle and then 2 vehicle the cost will be :- 33626.26666666666

Scenario 2:-
If vehicle sequence in VehicleRoutingAlgorithm object is like this
2 vehicle and then 1 vehicle the cost will be :- 24958.05

Code :-

           Jsprit.Builder vrpBuilder = Jsprit.Builder.newInstance(vrp)
            .setProperty(Jsprit.Parameter.THREADS, jspritThreadCount.toString())
            .setProperty(Jsprit.Parameter.FIXED_COST_PARAM, "2.0");
           VariationCoefficientTermination prematureTermination;   VehicleRoutingAlgorithm vra = vrpBuilder.buildAlgorithm();      
    Collection<VehicleRoutingProblemSolution> solutions = vra.searchSolutions();

any idea ??