Jsprit ignoring costs when routing (solved)

I thought I had Jsprit calculating routes correctly according to costs. This doesn’t seem to be the case.

When testing I set most distances between deliveries to 9,999,999 with a vehicle travel cost of 1.
In the cost matrix (just a snippet);

(0,1) → (0,1) - Distance =0.0
(0,1) → (2,3) - Distance =21.432049573869172
(0,1) → (4,5) - Distance =9999999.0
(0,1) → (6,7) - Distance =9999999.0
(0,1) → (8,9) - Distance =9999999.0

(2,3) → (0,1) - Distance =9999999.0
(2,3) → (2,3) - Distance =0.0
(2,3) → (4,5) - Distance =16.632664426972926
(2,3) → (6,7) - Distance =9999999.0
(2,3) → (8,9) - Distance =9999999.0
(2,3) → (10,11) - Distance =9999999.0

This loops through all deliveries and builds the matrix.

I then solve it;

VehicleRoutingProblem vrp = VehicleRoutingProblem.Builder.newInstance().addAllVehicles(vrpBuilder.getAddedVehicles()).setFleetSize(FleetSize.INFINITE).setRoutingCost(costMatrix).addAllJobs(vrpBuilder.getAddedJobs()).build();

VehicleRoutingAlgorithm vra = Jsprit.Builder.newInstance(vrp)
            .setProperty(Jsprit.Parameter.FAST_REGRET, "true")
            .setProperty(Jsprit.Parameter.THREADS, "4").buildAlgorithm();

        Collection<VehicleRoutingProblemSolution> solutions = vra.searchSolutions();

        SolutionPrinter.print(vrp, Solutions.bestOf(solutions), SolutionPrinter.Print.VERBOSE);

But it results in the following;

| detailed solution                                                                                                              |
| route   | vehicle              | activity              | job             | arrTime         | endTime         | costs           |
| 1       | vehicle              | start                 | -               | undef           | 0               | 0               |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 1               | 0               | 0               | 0               |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 88              | 0               | 0               | 9999999         |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 22              | 0               | 0               | 19999998        |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 87              | 0               | 0               | 29999997        |

Why does it use such a high cost? I would expect it to use 1 → 2 → 3 as the distances are correctly calculated if they are sequential.
What am I doing wrong to make Jsprit not take the distance cost into account?


Adding time and setCostPerTransportTime doesn’t impact results.

| detailed solution                                                                                                              |
| route   | vehicle              | activity              | job             | arrTime         | endTime         | costs           |
| 1       | vehicle              | start                 | -               | undef           | 0               | 0               |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 1               | 0               | 30              | 0               |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 67              | 100000029       | 100000059       | 199999998       |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 52              | 200000058       | 200000088       | 399999996       |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 47              | 300000087       | 300000117       | 599999994       |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 18              | 400000116       | 400000146       | 799999992       |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 14              | 500000145       | 500000175       | 999999990       |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 13              | 600000174       | 600000204       | 1199999988      |

Setting the matrix as Asymmetric helps, but doesn’t solve the issue;

//define a matrix-builder building a asymmetric matrix
        VehicleRoutingTransportCostsMatrix.Builder costMatrixBuilder = VehicleRoutingTransportCostsMatrix.Builder.newInstance(false);

And returning the time in minutes results in;
(Note: Using a smaller dataset of deliveries for testing from the above)

| detailed solution                                                                                                              |
| route   | vehicle              | activity              | job             | arrTime         | endTime         | costs           |
| 1       | vehicle              | start                 | -               | undef           | 0               | 0               |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 1               | 0               | 30              | 0               |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 62              | 10029           | 10059           | 19998           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 61              | 10059           | 10089           | 19998           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 63              | 10089           | 10119           | 20040           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 64              | 10119           | 10149           | 20070           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 65              | 10149           | 10179           | 20072           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 66              | 10180           | 10210           | 21045           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 67              | 10211           | 10241           | 21901           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 68              | 10241           | 10271           | 22143           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 69              | 10281           | 10311           | 33519           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 37              | 20310           | 20340           | 53517           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 36              | 20340           | 20370           | 53517           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 38              | 20370           | 20400           | 53724           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 39              | 20400           | 20430           | 53745           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 40              | 20430           | 20460           | 53793           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 41              | 20460           | 20490           | 53870           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 42              | 20490           | 20520           | 54185           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 43              | 20520           | 20550           | 54188           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 44              | 20551           | 20581           | 54970           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 45              | 20581           | 20611           | 55195           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 46              | 20611           | 20641           | 55357           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 47              | 20641           | 20671           | 55767           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 48              | 20671           | 20701           | 55810           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 49              | 20701           | 20731           | 55894           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 50              | 20731           | 20761           | 56094           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 51              | 20761           | 20791           | 56156           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 52              | 20792           | 20822           | 56756           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 53              | 20822           | 20852           | 56916           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 54              | 20852           | 20882           | 56986           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 55              | 20883           | 20913           | 57765           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 56              | 20913           | 20943           | 57863           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 57              | 20943           | 20973           | 58212           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 60              | 30972           | 31002           | 78210           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 59              | 31002           | 31032           | 78210           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 58              | 31032           | 31062           | 78210           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 2               | 41061           | 41091           | 98208           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 3               | 41091           | 41121           | 98208           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 4               | 41121           | 41151           | 98410           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 5               | 41151           | 41181           | 98735           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 6               | 41181           | 41211           | 98765           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 7               | 41211           | 41241           | 99130           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 8               | 41241           | 41271           | 99166           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 9               | 41271           | 41301           | 99424           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 10              | 41301           | 41331           | 99454           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 11              | 41331           | 41361           | 99621           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 12              | 41361           | 41391           | 99734           |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 13              | 41391           | 41421           | 100034          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 14              | 41421           | 41451           | 100098          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 15              | 41451           | 41481           | 100231          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 16              | 41481           | 41511           | 100365          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 17              | 41511           | 41541           | 100561          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 18              | 41541           | 41571           | 100795          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 19              | 41571           | 41601           | 101155          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 20              | 41601           | 41631           | 101262          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 21              | 41632           | 41662           | 101676          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 22              | 41664           | 41694           | 102578          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 23              | 41694           | 41724           | 102690          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 24              | 41724           | 41754           | 102830          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 25              | 41754           | 41784           | 102895          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 26              | 41784           | 41814           | 102945          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 27              | 41814           | 41844           | 103037          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 28              | 41844           | 41874           | 103053          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 29              | 41874           | 41904           | 103205          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 30              | 41904           | 41934           | 103216          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 31              | 41934           | 41964           | 103282          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 32              | 41964           | 41994           | 103372          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 33              | 41994           | 42024           | 103390          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 34              | 42024           | 42054           | 103529          |
| 1       | vehicle              | delivery              | 35              | 42054           | 42084           | 103608          |
| 1       | vehicle              | end                   | -               | 42084           | undef           | 103608          |

I still have no idea why it would go from 1 to 62 right at the start.

Here is the output from all coords

1 to 1 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414]
1 to 2 | Distance = 75.93791182805721 | Time = 9 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006]
1 to 3 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006]
1 to 4 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2201066534253][y=174.85035492157]
1 to 5 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2189520349816][y=174.852589687907]
1 to 6 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2191607874641][y=174.852299111155]
1 to 7 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2167244708503][y=174.851841450138]
1 to 8 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2170811257891][y=174.851909477093]
1 to 9 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2151671752153][y=174.851250310363]
1 to 10 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2154560875173][y=174.851252417471]
1 to 11 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.21409776567][y=174.851684468099]
1 to 12 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2149210461737][y=174.851446669879]
1 to 13 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2135749201264][y=174.849759515697]
1 to 14 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2131515843562][y=174.8491932172]
1 to 15 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2121200882991][y=174.848577340993]
1 to 16 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2110996670368][y=174.847748594341]
1 to 17 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2096086877604][y=174.848600129218]
1 to 18 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2075879188877][y=174.848965949942]
1 to 19 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2071989311751][y=174.846607095056]
1 to 20 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2065226170787][y=174.845824777622]
1 to 21 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2082934794361][y=174.843287078344]
1 to 22 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2058598847679][y=174.848665767721]
1 to 23 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2049688238805][y=174.848642292316]
1 to 24 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2038473698407][y=174.849137762714]
1 to 25 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.203276781993][y=174.849457213891]
1 to 26 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2027990656694][y=174.849336070864]
1 to 27 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2020132934148][y=174.849826700894]
1 to 28 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2018520023645][y=174.84969067818]
1 to 29 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2021171571177][y=174.848059638739]
1 to 30 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2022678505435][y=174.848258746645]
1 to 31 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2023989602282][y=174.847489042694]
1 to 32 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2024187881439][y=174.846426173292]
1 to 33 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2021897682044][y=174.846371594814]
1 to 34 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2011900003684][y=174.845491790265]
1 to 35 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2007270834681][y=174.844739668974]
1 to 36 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2007366816036][y=174.843354538708]
1 to 37 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2007366816036][y=174.843354538708]
1 to 38 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2016247609678][y=174.842732205538]
1 to 39 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2017292585284][y=174.84299451677]
1 to 40 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2025257516928][y=174.842557034953]
1 to 41 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2016337369326][y=174.843341046618]
1 to 42 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.1997608529869][y=174.843794906635]
1 to 43 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.1996721849831][y=174.844004266089]
1 to 44 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2004823807853][y=174.847848078327]
1 to 45 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.1990832823382][y=174.847810805093]
1 to 46 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.1979469294924][y=174.848273852202]
1 to 47 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.1951454288406][y=174.848763406122]
1 to 48 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.1951129255327][y=174.848162983309]
1 to 49 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.1955865624041][y=174.847329259247]
1 to 50 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.1963347092681][y=174.845902421662]
1 to 51 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.1964934728711][y=174.845188760259]
1 to 52 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.1955688590128][y=174.849680801871]
1 to 53 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.1946103956114][y=174.850826159423]
1 to 54 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.1943391444274][y=174.851651449017]
1 to 55 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.1898131504384][y=174.854954204407]
1 to 56 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.1890896334645][y=174.855480263579]
1 to 57 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.1915810390558][y=174.854162688592]
1 to 58 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.1969260844235][y=174.848966336746]
1 to 59 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.1969260844235][y=174.848966336746]
1 to 60 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.1969260844235][y=174.848966336746]
1 to 61 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2060129968693][y=174.848464226046]
1 to 62 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2060129968693][y=174.848464226046]
1 to 63 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2063958421235][y=174.848567575375]
1 to 64 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2066516472492][y=174.848714645541]
1 to 65 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2066017916346][y=174.848946044121]
1 to 66 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2139113351937][y=174.850772729141]
1 to 67 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2190360221315][y=174.852682236911]
1 to 68 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.217926707041][y=174.852210575663]
1 to 69 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414] to [x=-41.2295241184359][y=174.842225925517]
2 to 1 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2194517122445][y=174.852557383414]
2 to 2 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006]
2 to 3 | Distance = 0.0 | Time = 0 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006]
2 to 4 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2201066534253][y=174.85035492157]
2 to 5 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2189520349816][y=174.852589687907]
2 to 6 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2191607874641][y=174.852299111155]
2 to 7 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2167244708503][y=174.851841450138]
2 to 8 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2170811257891][y=174.851909477093]
2 to 9 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2151671752153][y=174.851250310363]
2 to 10 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2154560875173][y=174.851252417471]
2 to 11 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.21409776567][y=174.851684468099]
2 to 12 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2149210461737][y=174.851446669879]
2 to 13 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2135749201264][y=174.849759515697]
2 to 14 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2131515843562][y=174.8491932172]
2 to 15 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2121200882991][y=174.848577340993]
2 to 16 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2110996670368][y=174.847748594341]
2 to 17 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2096086877604][y=174.848600129218]
2 to 18 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2075879188877][y=174.848965949942]
2 to 19 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2071989311751][y=174.846607095056]
2 to 20 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2065226170787][y=174.845824777622]
2 to 21 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2082934794361][y=174.843287078344]
2 to 22 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2058598847679][y=174.848665767721]
2 to 23 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2049688238805][y=174.848642292316]
2 to 24 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2038473698407][y=174.849137762714]
2 to 25 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.203276781993][y=174.849457213891]
2 to 26 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2027990656694][y=174.849336070864]
2 to 27 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2020132934148][y=174.849826700894]
2 to 28 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2018520023645][y=174.84969067818]
2 to 29 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2021171571177][y=174.848059638739]
2 to 30 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2022678505435][y=174.848258746645]
2 to 31 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2023989602282][y=174.847489042694]
2 to 32 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2024187881439][y=174.846426173292]
2 to 33 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2021897682044][y=174.846371594814]
2 to 34 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2011900003684][y=174.845491790265]
2 to 35 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2007270834681][y=174.844739668974]
2 to 36 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2007366816036][y=174.843354538708]
2 to 37 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2007366816036][y=174.843354538708]
2 to 38 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2016247609678][y=174.842732205538]
2 to 39 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2017292585284][y=174.84299451677]
2 to 40 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2025257516928][y=174.842557034953]
2 to 41 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2016337369326][y=174.843341046618]
2 to 42 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.1997608529869][y=174.843794906635]
2 to 43 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.1996721849831][y=174.844004266089]
2 to 44 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2004823807853][y=174.847848078327]
2 to 45 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.1990832823382][y=174.847810805093]
2 to 46 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.1979469294924][y=174.848273852202]
2 to 47 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.1951454288406][y=174.848763406122]
2 to 48 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.1951129255327][y=174.848162983309]
2 to 49 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.1955865624041][y=174.847329259247]
2 to 50 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.1963347092681][y=174.845902421662]
2 to 51 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.1964934728711][y=174.845188760259]
2 to 52 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.1955688590128][y=174.849680801871]
2 to 53 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.1946103956114][y=174.850826159423]
2 to 54 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.1943391444274][y=174.851651449017]
2 to 55 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.1898131504384][y=174.854954204407]
2 to 56 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.1890896334645][y=174.855480263579]
2 to 57 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.1915810390558][y=174.854162688592]
2 to 58 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.1969260844235][y=174.848966336746]
2 to 59 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.1969260844235][y=174.848966336746]
2 to 60 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.1969260844235][y=174.848966336746]
2 to 61 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2060129968693][y=174.848464226046]
2 to 62 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2060129968693][y=174.848464226046]
2 to 63 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2063958421235][y=174.848567575375]
2 to 64 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2066516472492][y=174.848714645541]
2 to 65 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2066017916346][y=174.848946044121]
2 to 66 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2139113351937][y=174.850772729141]
2 to 67 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2190360221315][y=174.852682236911]
2 to 68 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.217926707041][y=174.852210575663]
2 to 69 | Distance = 9999 | Time = 9999 | Coords [x=-41.2199404291814][y=174.851950081006] to [x=-41.2295241184359][y=174.842225925517]

I have solved my issue.

The thing to note is it was using co-ordinates to reference the job. This is incorrect as some jobs had the same co-ordinates. Instead ID was needed to be used.