I noticed that the timestamps in the result file are all the same. May I know how I can configure the map matcher to include the same timestamps in the .gpx file?
I’ve used a .osm.pbf file for the map matcher datasource, with OSM IDs in them. Can I configure the map matcher to include the associated OSM ID per <trkpt> element in the .res.gpx file?
Hi, thanks for the suggestion. I’m currently taking a look at the MAGDa code.
As for getting the OSM_ID from the matching result, yes we can do this by post-processing the resulting data. We’re just thinking if we can prevent this step by trying to output the OSM IDs in one go (on-the-fly during the map matching).
You could do that but it is currently not done. See related (osm way ID): https://github.com/karussell/graphhopper-osm-id-mapping I wouldn’t use now anymore the way IDs and instead the osm node IDs. Something like this will be added to GH
It’s worth noting that with https://github.com/graphhopper/map-matching/pull/87 there is more integration of the map-matched results with the original GPX entries - e.g. I think you could easily extract the timestamp information you require.
I’m new in graphhopper, I have the same problem and I also want to get the Edge ID’s of the map-matching result,how can i do?
how to get the Edge ID’s from the matching result(EdgeMatch)? I’m looking forward to your reply.