I am attempting to setup a local graphhopper instance on an EC2 machine. I am able to build the instance with car transit or alternatively build it with public transit routing, but am unable to build an instance that can support both. My approach has been as follows:
wget https://graphhopper.com/public/releases/graphhopper-web-0.9.0-bin.zip
unzip graphhopper-web-0.9.0-bin.zip
cp ../valhalla/boston_massachusetts.osm.pbf .
wget http://www.mbta.com/uploadedfiles/MBTA_GTFS.zip
java -Xmx5g -Xms5g -jar *.jar jetty.resourcebase=webapp config=config-example.properties datareader.file=boston_massachusetts.osm.pbf gtfs.file=MBTA_GTFS.zip
I have set the following in config-example.properties
# Possible options: car,foot,bike,bike2,mtb,racingbike,motorcycle (comma separated)
# bike2 takes elevation data into account (like up-hill is slower than down-hill) and requires enabling graph.elevation.provider below
But this seems to be ignored.