not acting the same as new install of graphhopper versioin 9.1 or 10?

First, just want to say great product!

Really excited about release of version 10. However, i can’t seem to get a local install to work like maps?


If you take off surface == GRAVEL, it shows shorter route, and if you add || surface==DIRT it prevents the route by saying “Connection between locations not found” which is correct! (Or at least what i am trying to achieve, don’t want a custom model to be able to go on dirt.)

See here:

However, i can not duplicate this with local install of GraphHopper 9.1 or 10. It allows this path with what appears to be a “snap to” maybe? (End of path shows dotted lines onto Dirt road destination, and pulling a semi trailer over cow dung and rattlesnake fields is frowned upon :slight_smile:

I have tried Custom Models, and editing config.yml and changing
routing.snap_preventions_default: tunnel, bridge, ferry, (i have tried adding *rattlesnake, foot stuff, bike stuff, etc, but no luck?).

But seriously, can i see a copy of your config.yml file? (The ones from here don’t seem to have the same result:

To reproduce, simply install fresh 9.1 or 10.0 with OSM file for KS here:

Use same params in the link and notice this the red dotted lines that takes you to destination instead of “Connection between locations not found”?

Here is custom model from clicking gear box (top left) and enable “custom model active”
“distance_influence”: 15,
“priority”: [
“if”: “surface==DIRT”,
“multiply_by”: “0”
“speed”: ,
“areas”: {
“type”: “FeatureCollection”,

Looking at commit here, it looks fine?

I’m sure i am just missing something in snap_preventions maybe? Is there a way maybe to say snaps cannot be over 50 meters?

Thanks for a great product, appreciate any hints i can try.


Update: I tried building from master, but still same problem.

Build from master, download Kansas map, edit config.yml to include surface in the list of graph.encoded_values:

I have noticed it sometimes works (prevents path to destination on dirt), but sometimes, if you specify surface == dirt, set priority to 0, it will end the route on the last gravel road then put dots to the place on the dirt road and say it is reachable?

Since is doing it correctly (it does not add the dots to the path), i assume i am missing something in the config.yml file, maybe related to “snap to”, not sure.

Here is example from local install:

Any hints would be appreciated. Thanks!

I can confirm that open source GraphHopper snaps onto Shawguee Rd (and indicates the distance between the requested coordinated and the snapped location with a dotted line), while seems to snap onto the requested Wirt Rd resulting in a connection not found error. But honestly, right now I’m not sure the reason for this. Will have to investigate.

Thank you for taking a look at it.

However, i would like to stress that i think is the correct answer? (And it is local copy of graphhopper that finds a route when it shouldn’t?)

For example, using this formula from here: graphhopper/docs/core/ at master · graphhopper/graphhopper · GitHub
edge_weight = edge_distance / (speed * priority) + edge_distance * distance_influence

I was under the assumption that if a custom model sets “multiply_by” to zero, then a route should not be found? (Making correct because i am trying to say if destination is on a dirt road, don’t go there at all)

If you look at example custom_model here:

notice that multiply_by: 0 is set for size (height) of truck > 4m . However, i did notice that “distance_influence” is 1, when it should be set to 0 also to prevent a path?

Thanks for all your help.

You did/can not really say the destination is on a dirt road, because GraphHopper only takes the coordinate as an input. Therefore it’s tricky to decide whether your coordinate might have been somewhat imprecise and it is ok to snap to a road a little further away (no connection-not-found error), or if it should blindly snap to the nearest road (the dirt road) (resulting in the connection-not-found error).

Think about a cycleway next to a big highway. It wouldn’t be useful to simply snap to the cycleway and show a connection-not-found error just because the cycleway was closer to the requested coordinate.

But of course this does not answer the real question yet: Why does the local instance act differently?

Had a chance to try a few things.

  1. Did try to use an older OSM file for Kansas, just because… no change.
  2. You are correct, i originally thought it had something to with the setting routing.snap_preventions_default, but that setting is new, and only supports following types

Now, notice two more examples (in same area)

On the GraphHopper server:

Notice, how close the blue pushpin (middle stop) has to be for a connection to exist

On LocalServer, notice how far i can take the same pin away and it finds a route:

It is actually on a a different dirt road now it is so far away… (if you move it much farther away than that, it will fail)

So, if you give me a hint what that blue dotted path would be called in the code, i will be more than happy to take a look? (Seriously though, i’ll keep looking).

Also, If I use Germany OSM, the two maps seem to match about right in the distance allowed, see here:

If you move the farthest North pushpin a little bit more North, it fails the route.

just a quick update, i’ll keep looking

The blue dotted line is nothing but a visual aid. It is only drawn by the web UI but isn’t related to the actual snapping and path calculation.

The reason we see different snapping behavior is this private road:

which is closed (by default) in open source GraphHopper but open on What happens here is that the red marker snaps to the private road (because it is open), but then no connection is found because it is connected to the remaining road network only by Wirt Rd, which is closed due to the surface == DIRT rule in the custom model. You can also see this by moving both markers close to the private road link. Once you move one marker away there will be no connection anymore.
In open source GraphHopper the private road is closed so the marker snaps to Shawguee Rd and there is no connection-not-found error.
This is a known issue: When we close roads using a custom model (I mean for a single query, the /profiles endpoint is different in this regard) we have no protection against such small road networks (here a single road) that become disconnected, yet.

You can alter the handling of private roads by changing graph.encoded_values: car_access to graph.encoded_values: car_access|block_private=false in the config file.

I’m not sure if this solves your problem? But it explains why we see a difference. Are still looking for a different snapping behavior?

Can you explain again why you prefer the connection not found error? Also considering that if the marker snaps to Shawguee Road instead you could still detect that no snap occurred close to your requested coordinate by checking the distance between the requested and snapped coordinates.

Thank you! That gives me options to try, and explains why opensource was acting slightly different.

To answer your question about why i prefer the connection not found: I am trying to prevent routes for certain custom models to warn the route planner. For example, for very large trucks, i don’t want them ever on dirt, and if the route fails completely, this forces the route planner to remove destinations and actually go figure out what is wrong.

Just want to say, that a lot of these problems are really OSM related, and not GraphHopper’s fault. In this example, there are several roads right next to each other that are labeled private, or residential and they have no surface tag entries, etc. It is amazing how well GraphHopper does with such inconsistent data.

Thanks for all the work you all do!

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