For bus routing, should there also be a road_class busway?

Hi, I use this snippet mentioned in earlier threads,

Without road_class OTHER, routing is not done on below buslane,

highway is BUSWAY should there also be a similar road_class?

- name: bus
  custom_model: {
    "distance_influence": 90,
    "priority": [
      { "if": "bus_access && (road_class == OTHER || road_class == MOTORWAY || road_class == TRUNK || road_class == PRIMARY || road_class == SECONDARY || road_class == TERTIARY || road_class == UNCLASSIFIED || road_class == LIVING_STREET || road_class == RESIDENTIAL || road_class == SERVICE || road_class == ROAD)",
        "multiply_by": "1"
      { "else": "", "multiply_by": "0" }
    "speed": [
      { "if": "bus_access && car_average_speed < 10", "limit_to": "10" },
      { "else": "", "limit_to": "car_average_speed * 0.9" },
      { "if": "true", "limit_to": "100" }

See also graphhopper/core/src/main/java/com/graphhopper/routing/ev/ at master · graphhopper/graphhopper · GitHub

Kind regards,


Yes, it looks like we have to add it and it is relative common (23k). If we would add it, are there other requirements for the bus access or is this the only problem you currently face?

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No other problems, routing looks fine for what I can see.