Does road_class = MOTORWAY cover highway=motorway_link?

I’d like to apply some custom weighting to car and I’m curios if road_class = MOTORWAY covers/includes highway=motorway_link. I mean if I have such custom model:

  "speed": [
      "if": "road_class == MOTORWAY",
      "limit_to": 50

I apply 50 km/h to both highway=motorway and highway=motorway_link? Or I should add another statement?

      "if": "road_class == MOTORWAY && road_class_link",
      "limit_to": 50

The road_class_link is just a boolean and applicable also for other road_classes.

The highway=motorway tag is converted to road_class=MOTORWAY and road_class_link=false

And the highway=motorway_link tag is converted to road_class=MOTORWAY and road_class_link=true

This difference to OSM tagging makes the handling in path details and custom_model a bit simpler (we hope :slight_smile: ). Especially for users not that deep into OSM.

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ok, then I expect that road_class=MOTORWAY will work for both highways: motorway and motorway_link. thanks for explanation :+1:

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