Departure and Duration on a point for routing API

Is it possible to set a time to spend on each point for Routing API?

For example, I have 3 points, and I know that I’ll spend an hour on the second. Probably the traffic can be changed during this hour, so the time from point 2 to 3 can differ for the calculated time, that I get without setting this duration.

At the same time, when my departure is in midnight it’s not the same as in the noon. I’ve not found this parameter in API also.

So the question is - how can I use this data to get more accurate results?

No, this is not yet possible.

Probably the traffic can be changed during this hour, so the time from point 2 to 3 can differ for the calculated time, that I get without setting this duration

When using OSM data no traffic is considered. To consider historic traffic data you need the TomTom add-on (you can ask to test it via the support).