Custom rule question regarding relationship to existing flag encoders

With following server side rule I’m able to do what I want now:

 "distance_influence": 0,
  "priority": [{"if": "bike_network == REGIONAL || bike_network == LOCAL || bike_network == INTERNATIONAL || bike_network == NATIONAL", "multiply_by": 10.0

After creating the graph I’m using the same dynamic custom rule, but with a factor in range 0.0001 and 1. This way it is possible to reasonably control how many cycle routes are contained!

Wouldn’t then also:

  "priority": [{
     "if": "bike_network != MISSING",
     "multiply_by": 10.0

work for server-side?

And you already said that you had a custom model that worked for you per-request:

This rule does something similar to what I intend:

 "priority": [{
   "if": "bike_network == MISSING",
   "multiply_by": 0.5

Is this a big difference to what you currently have? If yes, in which way?

After having played around with your server side rule I can confirm that the results are very similar, if not indentical: One is able to control how many cycle routes are taken.

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