Area in custom profile

Hello, I want to make areas of 20 the biggest centers of cities in my country, to justify some paramteres as speed and priority. I’m going to use it in all profiles. Is there any possibility to make that areas ones and in my profiles use only the name ? Or as in the article - area only under the profile so copy and paste the same few times ?

Currently it is necessary to write the entire custom model from scratch and no sharing is possible. As you can use a file for every custom model you could use a template and a small script to avoid duplicating this by hand I guess.

Maybe at some point we implement that a custom profile can be used as a base profile too or similar. So that you only need to specify the area once.

Sharing areas across different custom models was already requested before and we created this issue: Allow specifying areas for custom weighting in a separate file · Issue #2037 · graphhopper/graphhopper · GitHub
But it was never implemented. The only other option where something similar is already possible is using custom areas.

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