Has anyone successfully loaded a UK GTFS file on a local implementation? I have tried the files available from here https://data.bus-data.dft.gov.uk/timetable/download/. You have to create a login and scroll past the TransXChange data.
Using the West Midlands file, itm_west_midlands_gtfs.zip, I get the error " Error while constructing transit network. Is your GTFS file valid?" on start up.
The GTFS validator here, https://gtfs-validator.mobilitydata.org/
Generate errors:
Decreasing or equal shape_dist_traveled in stop_times.txt.
When sorted by stop_times.stop_sequence, two consecutive entries in stop_times.txt should have increasing distance, based on the field shape_dist_traveled. If the values are equal, this is considered as an error.
You can see more about this notice here.
The distance between the last shape point and last stop point is greater than or equal to the 11.1m threshold.
You can see more about this notice here.
I’ve logged a ticket with the data.bus-data.dft.gov.uk helpdesk and am awaiting a reply, just wondered if anyone had any success with UK bus data???