Tool to create route scenarios

Is there a program where i can easily graphically create some locations connected with routes, along with some timewindows that get exported automatically in the form of some json, so that i can read that json and do various tests with jsprit.

So i just need a simple way to create some test data aka (routes, services, timewindows, skills etc )

We all do that with sql when we are developing various features, it does take some time though.

I create a small web app where you can do various pins with services on the map

It is basically a simple ASP.NET web project, i do not know java very well to build a web app.

All you have to do is download visual studio community edition with web component

click on ‘MapToolMVC.sln’ to open project

and then click on run ( just like in eclipse, the green triangle at the top ) and it’ll open in the browser.


I am not constructing the cost matrix ( time to get from point x to y as so on) , aslong as you have the latlong there is a built in function in java and C# to calculate distance between latlong coordinates. Just in case somebody fails to connect the dots :smiley:

I might do that in the future release of my 2 hour-time-to-develop app though