New Feature: Curbside approach

How does this get set in Java?
Currently using


D0 you have to set within

graphHopper = new GraphHopper().setGraphHopperLocation(RouteToMap.LocationGrapphopperFiles) // "gh-car"
                .setEncodingManager(new EncodingManager("car"))
                .setElevationProvider(new CGIARProvider().setCacheDir(new File("C:/Users/")))

Are you asking about using the Route Optimization API on or using the curbside feature when routing with open source GraphHopper?

Within open source routing in personal projects.
Iā€™m not using web based but within my own Java project

For open source usage it was only added in (unreleased) GraphHopper 1.0, so you need to upgrade your dependency. See this Pull Request