My Break constraint does not working

When I set time-window to break constraint of vehicle (ex: from 20 to 25) and service time as 1, the output should be something between [20:25] and +1. But, it gives break first as [0:21] and then locations to visit. This is output:

| 4       | vehicles@[30,10]     | start                 | -               | undef           | 0               | 0               |
| 4       | vehicles@[30,10]     | break                 | myFirstBreak2   | 0               | 21              | 0               |
| 4       | vehicles@[30,10]     | pickupShipment        | 16              | 27              | 27              | 6               |
| 4       | vehicles@[30,10]     | deliverShipment       | 16              | 29              | 29              | 8               |
| 4       | vehicles@[30,10]     | pickupShipment        | 15              | 33              | 33              | 12              |
| 4       | vehicles@[30,10]     | deliverShipment       | 15              | 35              | 35              | 14              |
| 4       | vehicles@[30,10]     | pickupShipment        | 13              | 45              | 45              | 24              |
| 4       | vehicles@[30,10]     | deliverShipment       | 13              | 47              | 47              | 26              |
| 4       | vehicles@[30,10]     | pickupShipment        | 14              | 51              | 51              | 30              |
| 4       | vehicles@[30,10]     | deliverShipment       | 14              | 53              | 53              | 32              |
| 4       | vehicles@[30,10]     | end                   | -               | 57              | undef           | 36              |

And this is without break:

| 4       | vehicles@[30,10]     | start                 | -               | undef           | 0               | 0               |
| 4       | vehicles@[30,10]     | pickupShipment        | 14              | 6               | 6               | 6               |
| 4       | vehicles@[30,10]     | deliverShipment       | 14              | 8               | 8               | 8               |
| 4       | vehicles@[30,10]     | pickupShipment        | 13              | 12              | 12              | 12              |
| 4       | vehicles@[30,10]     | deliverShipment       | 13              | 14              | 14              | 14              |
| 4       | vehicles@[30,10]     | pickupShipment        | 15              | 24              | 24              | 24              |
| 4       | vehicles@[30,10]     | deliverShipment       | 15              | 26              | 26              | 26              |
| 4       | vehicles@[30,10]     | pickupShipment        | 16              | 30              | 30              | 30              |
| 4       | vehicles@[30,10]     | deliverShipment       | 16              | 32              | 32              | 32              |
| 4       | vehicles@[30,10]     | end                   | -               | 36              | undef           | 36              |

So, the break should be somewhere between visit locations. Could you please, suggest whats wrong with the code?

My Code

public class RouteOptimizer {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                 * get a vehicle type-builder and build a type with the typeId "vehicleType" and
                 * a capacity of 2
                VehicleTypeImpl.Builder vehicleTypeBuilder = VehicleTypeImpl.Builder.newInstance("vehicleType")
                                .addCapacityDimension(0, 2);
                VehicleType vehicleType =;

                 * define break
                 * todo which starts at [10, 15] and lasts long = 11
                Break myFirstBreak = Break.Builder.newInstance("myFirstBreak")
                                .setTimeWindow(TimeWindow.newInstance(10, 15)).build();
                Break myFirstBreak2 = Break.Builder.newInstance("myFirstBreak2")
                                .setTimeWindow(TimeWindow.newInstance(20, 25)).setServiceTime(1).build();
                 * define two vehicles and their start-locations
                 * the first two do need to return to depot
                Builder vehicleBuilder1 = VehicleImpl.Builder.newInstance("vehicles@[10,10]");
                vehicleBuilder1.setStartLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(10, 10))).setReturnToDepot(false);
                // vehicleBuilder1.setBreak(myFirstBreak);
                VehicleImpl vehicle1 =;

                Builder vehicleBuilder2 = VehicleImpl.Builder.newInstance("vehicles@[30,30]");
                vehicleBuilder2.setStartLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(30, 30))).setReturnToDepot(false);
                // vehicleBuilder2.setEarliestStart(8);
                // vehicleBuilder2.setLatestArrival(32);
                VehicleImpl vehicle2 =;

                Builder vehicleBuilder3 = VehicleImpl.Builder.newInstance("vehicles@[10,30]");
                vehicleBuilder3.setStartLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(10, 30)));
                VehicleImpl vehicle3 =;

                Builder vehicleBuilder4 = VehicleImpl.Builder.newInstance("vehicles@[30,10]");
                vehicleBuilder4.setStartLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(30, 10)));
                VehicleImpl vehicle4 =;

                 * build shipments at the required locations, each with a capacity-demand of 1.
                Shipment shipment1 = Shipment.Builder.newInstance("1").addSizeDimension(0, 1)
                                .setPickupLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(5, 7)))
                                .setDeliveryLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(6, 9))).build();
                // shipment1.getPickupTimeWindow()
                // shipment1.pickupServiceTime
                // shipment1.userData
                // shipment1
                Shipment shipment2 = Shipment.Builder.newInstance("2").addSizeDimension(0, 1)
                                .setPickupLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(5, 13)))
                                .setDeliveryLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(6, 11))).build();

                Shipment shipment3 = Shipment.Builder.newInstance("3").addSizeDimension(0, 1)
                                .setPickupLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(15, 7)))
                                .setDeliveryLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(14, 9))).build();
                Shipment shipment4 = Shipment.Builder.newInstance("4").addSizeDimension(0, 1)
                                .setPickupLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(15, 13)))
                                .setDeliveryLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(14, 11))).build();

                Shipment shipment5 = Shipment.Builder.newInstance("5").addSizeDimension(0, 1)
                                .setPickupLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(25, 27)))
                                .setDeliveryLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(26, 29))).build();
                Shipment shipment6 = Shipment.Builder.newInstance("6").addSizeDimension(0, 1)
                                .setPickupLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(25, 33)))
                                .setDeliveryLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(26, 31))).build();

                Shipment shipment7 = Shipment.Builder.newInstance("7").addSizeDimension(0, 1)
                                .setPickupLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(35, 27)))
                                .setDeliveryLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(34, 29))).build();
                Shipment shipment8 = Shipment.Builder.newInstance("8").addSizeDimension(0, 1)
                                .setPickupLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(35, 33)))
                                .setDeliveryLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(34, 31))).build();

                Shipment shipment9 = Shipment.Builder.newInstance("9").addSizeDimension(0, 1)
                                .setPickupLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(5, 27)))
                                .setDeliveryLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(6, 29))).build();
                Shipment shipment10 = Shipment.Builder.newInstance("10").addSizeDimension(0, 1)
                                .setPickupLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(5, 33)))
                                .setDeliveryLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(6, 31))).build();

                Shipment shipment11 = Shipment.Builder.newInstance("11").addSizeDimension(0, 1)
                                .setPickupLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(15, 27)))
                                .setDeliveryLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(14, 29))).build();
                Shipment shipment12 = Shipment.Builder.newInstance("12").addSizeDimension(0, 1)
                                .setPickupLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(15, 33)))
                                .setDeliveryLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(14, 31))).build();

                Shipment shipment13 = Shipment.Builder.newInstance("13").addSizeDimension(0, 1)
                                .setPickupLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(25, 7)))
                                .setDeliveryLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(26, 9))).build();
                Shipment shipment14 = Shipment.Builder.newInstance("14").addSizeDimension(0, 1)
                                .setPickupLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(25, 13)))
                                .setDeliveryLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(26, 11))).build();

                Shipment shipment15 = Shipment.Builder.newInstance("15").addSizeDimension(0, 1)
                                .setPickupLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(35, 7)))
                                .setDeliveryLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(34, 9))).build();
                Shipment shipment16 = Shipment.Builder.newInstance("16").addSizeDimension(0, 1)
                                .setPickupLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(35, 13)))
                                .setDeliveryLocation(loc(Coordinate.newInstance(34, 11))).build();

                 * pre-asign shipment to vehicle
                VehicleRoute initialRoute_withServices = VehicleRoute.Builder.newInstance(vehicle1).addPickup(shipment2)

                 * Asign job to builder
                VehicleRoutingProblem.Builder vrpBuilder = VehicleRoutingProblem.Builder.newInstance();

                VehicleRoutingProblem problem =;

                 * get the algorithm out-of-the-box.
                VehicleRoutingAlgorithm algorithm = Jsprit.createAlgorithm(problem);
                // algorithm.setMaxIterations(30000);
                 * and search a solution
                Collection<VehicleRoutingProblemSolution> solutions = algorithm.searchSolutions();

                 * get the best
                VehicleRoutingProblemSolution bestSolution = Solutions.bestOf(solutions);

                 * print nRoutes and totalCosts of bestSolution
                SolutionPrinter.print(problem, bestSolution, SolutionPrinter.Print.VERBOSE);

                 * plot problem without solution
                Plotter problemPlotter = new Plotter(problem);
                                "en-route pickup and delivery");
                 * plot problem with solution
                Plotter solutionPlotter = new Plotter(problem,
                                "en-route pickup and delivery");

                new GraphStreamViewer(problem, bestSolution).labelWith(Label.ACTIVITY).setRenderDelay(0)


        private static Location loc(Coordinate coordinate) {
                return Location.Builder.newInstance().setCoordinate(coordinate).build();