Cheapest route for different kind of vehicles

Hi, I am new to this gis world, so its a little overwhelming, but my problem is:

Im making a project for my thesis and I want to offer a service so that you can pick the cheapest route based on a couple of transportation services (bus, taxi, rented bikes, etc)… and GH will show you the route with that cheapest vehicle (or maybe a few vehicules, in case that for example: you take a taxi to the ferry terminal plus the cost of the ferry that it will land you to somewhere else) and the total cost of all that transactions

So if I get it right I would need to create a matrix with the fixed costs of several kind of transportation services vehicles (taxi, motorbikes, rented bikes, uber, etc) and then use the result to show the cheapest route through regular GH api directions

so the questions are:

1- Is this posible with jsprint or i just need regular GH and try to create a profile somehow?
2- just without incurring in too much effort from you, but could you explain wich clases would you think i will need for these calculations?
3- im more a python, js developer but not a java developer but if you point to what i would need to learn i could do the job plus i will be REALLY thankfull

thank you

by the way im not a english speaker, sorry for any typo :frowning:

I already have GH on my local machine and I have successfully been using the fastest/shortest route

(This sounds more like a routing problem, see here for the difference to route optimization with jsprit. So I moved the category.)