There are certain bike path details already: bike_network, get_off_bike and bike_priority.
Which are great but more details would be useful for bicycle apps. For example, I would like to diffrentiate between type of cycleways:
Is it fully spearate track? This is useful for racing bikes that don’t prefer not to share roads with pedestrians. Even if cycleway is segregated from the footway sometimes pedestrians can easily jump into cycleway, especially kids.
Is it bike lane within road itself? Great solution for road cyclists but cyclists with kids inside bike trailers may want to avoid it. I personally don’t feel comfortable on such lanes when my kid is in the trailer.
In my use case I don’t need those details to impact routing algorithms. I just need to get this information after map matching.
If you fork GH you can easily store this information in the KVStorage and fetch it via the KVStringDetails without much overhead (no extra database required). See how we store data in OSMReader.preprocessWay for e.g. name, motorway_junction etc.
Why do we need to store this information in the KVStorage in the first place? Can’t we just encode type of bicycle infrastructure and put it into way?