Are consecutive points with same timestamp valid GPX?

Did you recently push a new binary at ? I started to notice yesterday GPX files exported with consecutive points having the same timestamp. Different positions though. Example here, lines 2 and 3 have same timestamp:

<trkpt lat="46.585705" lon="6.604863"><ele>603.2</ele><time>2016-02-15T06:34:26Z</time></trkpt>
<trkpt lat="46.585689" lon="6.604812"><ele>603.2</ele><time>2016-02-15T06:34:27Z</time></trkpt>
<trkpt lat="46.585658" lon="6.604792"><ele>603.2</ele><time>2016-02-15T06:34:27Z</time></trkpt>
<trkpt lat="46.585623" lon="6.604806"><ele>603.2</ele><time>2016-02-15T06:34:28Z</time></trkpt>

I had never seen such consecutive points in all previous GPX files exported by GraphHopper in the past.

Is it valid, according to the GPX spec, to have consecutive points having the same timestamp? Is it intended in GraphHopper code to generate such data, or a bug?

This looks like a bug for roundabouts and GPX exports - would you mind to report it as issue? (here a link for own reference.)

Done. 664

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