Allow private access for travel only if it is the origin or destination

This way is tagged as access=military. Unlike for access=private there is no built-in way that you can use to open up military roads. But this should be easy to do with some modification of the Java code. You could add a similar option (car|block_military=false) that you would implement just like block_private:

or simply unblock military when block_private=false, or even more simple just remove military from the list of restricted values altogether here:

We will try and remove it from the below, as we dont want to transverse military bases unless they are the destination. Does something like this look right?

graph.vehicles: car|block_private=false|block_military=false
  - name: car
    vehicle: car
    weighting: custom
    custom_model: {
        "distance_influence": 70,
        "priority": [
          { "if": "road_access == PRIVATE || road_access == DESTINATION", "multiply_by": 0.001 }
          { "if": "road_access == MILITARY || road_access == DESTINATION", "multiply_by": 0.001 }

To be able to use it in the custom model you probably have to add MILITARY to the enum as well.

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