Adding a new way type to Foot

Okay I am still getting my head around Graphopper – a real newbie. I am very impressed so far.

I am wanting to add the ability to route (walk) via a pier

So I assume I need to add man_made and Peir to file somehow then re-create the graph.
Can anyone point out how to add Peir? (it seems different from all the highway type ways in the encoder).


Matt :slight_smile:

Howdy Matt,

interesting, it seems like GraphHopper does not use piers, this seems like a bug to me.

One example is shown here. GraphHopper should use the pier. Piers seem to be enabled for foot routing by default. There are also no restrictions mapped for this pier. BTW: I know this pier and yes, it should be accessible by foot and it is required to use it if you want to get to the ferry.

I will create a PR for GraphHopper to use piers, so you don’t have to do this unless you want to :)…

You will need to change the FootFlagEncoder and FootFlagEncoderTest, since pier is not tagged as highway you need some special handling and cannot simply do it as the other highways, but like we handle railway=platform for example.


Hi Matt,

I just created a PR. You can see the required code change here.


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Wow – thanks Robin.
Looks great – Glad it is seen as a bug, was not sure how others would see it :slight_smile:

Thanks for the code, I will apply them now

Matt :slight_smile:

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Hi Matt,

No worries. The PR has just been merged into master, so you can also checkout the current master.


Amazing – thanks so much :slight_smile: