Traffic Update with OSM node IDs

The traffic update example uses the location index to find the closest point to a given X-Y. But I am looking for something similar to what OSRM does. OSRM can update traffic data using a file that includes speed information for each segment. The input file contains OSM node IDs for each end of each segment together with the new speed. I want to do the same thing in graph hopper. But it seems to me that GraphHopperStorage does not store the OSM node IDs.

How can I implement such a thing? Do I have to store and retrieve node IDs manually?

How can I implement such a thing?

Similarly to what you have linked but using OSM node instead of way ids.

Do I have to store and retrieve node IDs manually?

Currently yes. You can use any storage or in-memory solution like MapDB.

BTW: Any contribution in this regard would be highly appreciated.